What is a farrier?
Correct answer: Someone who shoes horses.
Cjrags49, LOl, I'm in my seventies but can still trim hooves and reset shoes. Actual shoeing? Not so much.
Player #25874027
Traditionally the barrel maker is a cooper. The arrow maker is a fletcher and the shoe maker is a cobbler .
EliteLawyercat57024, -- Wild horses also traverse rocky sort of gravel landscape surfaces which have abrasive effect on their hooves & helps keep them "trimmed", so to speak.
If I didn't know that I'd be in trouble being an Ex-jockey
BillyGoatGruff, Arrows are made by a fletcher. Creating the "tail end" of the arrow is " fletching".
team edward cullen
I love how they make the shoes
GoGo BOSS Prague, wasn't sabot also a term for wooden shoes worn by poor people? I thought that's where the English work sabotage came from.
GoGo BOSS Prague
Le maréchal ferrant, en français - a hoof: le sabot… 😉👍
arrow smith, cooper makes barrels, cobbler makes shoes.
My father in law, who is almost 80 now, was a ferrier. He specialized in Tennesse Walking Horses. My husband used to be a farrier, working with his dad, when he was in his twenties. Its hard work (and stinky too).
How do wild horses survive without horse shoes?