How many months of the calendar have only 30 days?
Correct answer: 4

Pimpao +
as a curiosity in Portugal we follow the sequence of knuckles and valleys on our joined fists .1st knuckle =January 31days, 2nd valley = Feb 28/29 days, 3rd knuckle=Mar31 days, 4th valley=Apr 30days...(knuckles=31days , valleys=30days or less)

I heard a different ending to that when I was growing up. "Except for February which has four and twenty four until leap year gives it one day more."

30 days have September, April, June, and November all the rest have 31. except February alone. it has 28. 28 is just fine but leap year makes it 29. just a little rhyme i learned in elementary school

Rob of York
flowercat0523, Yes, but how many months have 28 days? All of them!! lol

Player #227530
... except for February coming once in 4, then has one day more.

RankQuail5805, thirty days hath September, April June and November. All the rest hath thirty one except February alone which hath twenty eight days clear and twenty nine in each leap year

Player #Irvine Ian
Stuck in my mind from early learning!

Sweet Senior, the question asked which ones have only 30 days. Only 30 days includes four months, at least 30 days would include 11 months.

Player #15948823
Player HDRider, you start January on the knuckle of your index finger in your left hand. July lands on your pinky knuckle on your left hand. Then you switch to your right hand. August lands on the knuckle of your index finger and so on...

Player #92723922, that’s what I’ve always done too. Much easier!

Player #92723922
All you have to remember is the first line of the poem and that February has 28. The rest is easy.

Pimpao +, I saw this mnemonic just the other day! I love this game!!!

Pimpao +, We learned this in Canada too

Player #38618593
All you have to remember is the first 2 lines:
"Thirty days has September,
April, June and November."
We all know February has 28.
Everything else has 31.
Keep it simple. 🙃

Player #50531971
If you hold your hands with index fingers next to each other, and you start on the pinkie knuckle of your left hand (January), when you get to the index knuckle (July) the next one is the index knuckle on the right hand (August)

Player #50531971
Pimpao +, lots of people in the United States do that too. works fine

čika Pera
Player HD Rider August doesn't fall in a valley if you join your feasts!

Player #36215423
easy....learned that rhyme as a child.

Pimpao +, we do the same in Greece!!

Player #11560712, the question was, how many have ONLY 30

Player #28631371
Pimpao +, that was taught also in canada by
my ukranian teacher.

Player #2512936
Pimpao +, interesting! More of this Type of stuff is needed!

Pimpao +, seems complicated....

Player HDRider
Pimpao +, The problem is that August falls in a valley and it has 31 days unless I am not understanding you correctly.

flowercat0523, I like your version much better. Thank you.

Player #14160412
Pimpao +, In Maldives as well

Player briwhi
Logically all but February have 30 days. haha

Player Ejag
I learned the last few lines a little differently too. all the rest have 31, except February in fine, which has 28 in time and each leap year 29!

except February 28 days we do assign til leap year makes it 29.

30 days has September April June and November.

MeltinJohn, Clever Jack!

RankQuail5805, Best by far.

Pimpao +, I'm a mathematics teacher and that's how I teach it.