Why must visitors sign a waiver and wear protective gear to view Marie Curie's manuscripts?

Correct answer: Radioactive elements

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What people think about it: 9 Comments
Great woman especially at the era she lived in
I am not a number.
I am not a number.
Tom, I wish peace were scientific as we would be able to control it but it's not. So it remains that Marie Curie is the only person to have nobel prizes in two scientific fields.
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
Tom, It is correct because it specifies two Scientific fields . Pauling’s second was for Peace .
Player #57750688
Player #57750688
But probably wouldn't want to shake hands with her.
Right ✅️ US
Right ✅️ US
I heard somewhere that when introduced to someone they reported " She had a glow about her & " She absolutely Glowed "
the only reason I knew this was the first watch I bought had a radium dial
What a tragedy such a great woman ever had to die !! Ironically, as smart as she was, she might one day have cured cancer, exactly what killed her !!
I thought this was wrong, I checked. Linus Pauling won a Nobel in chemistry and in peace .
Marius and Eléa
Marius and Eléa
radioactive makes people die dummies