What was the surname of the notorious outlaws Frank and Jesse?
Correct answer: James

I knew about Jesse James and that he was a notorious bandit. You could also see the movie The assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford (2007) with Brad Pitt and Casey Affleck. I think that the end is a very interesting bit of information, that as far as I've read, is true.

Man i wish that i had Jesse's girl. Where can i find an outlaw like that?

My daughter is a distant cousin to Jesse James, on her father's side.

Don't g r t your history from Hollywood movies, Wikipedia, or PBS. Read the real thing from trusted sources who dont have any agenda but the truth.

I also heard that one day he and his gang sought refuge with the widow, she didn't know who they were as had just started out and she was about to loose her house. She handed over the deeds to the people and Jessie and crew stole them back, killing the guy who took them and she managed to keep her house. Not sure if true but I like the story

cchipss75, through twenty-three & me, I found out I'm a distant cousin to Jesse James on my mom's side. So interesting!

If you live a life of violence, you often die a life of violence.

They have a re-enactment in Northfield MN of the James brothers and their band attempted robbery and subsequent failure every year.

All shot to hell, by Mark Lee Gardner is a great read, & well researched, discounts many of the myths of the James gang.

my step father was related to Jesse James!

10bwc, everyone has some sort of agenda

I am related to Jesse and Frank. Their grandparents are my great-great grandparents. I am more closely related to Jesse’s wife Zeralda Mims. Jesse Woodson James led me to John Woodson and to Jamestown, Virginia. Zeralda and Jesse are 1st cousins.

Dark Chocolate
Jesse James was suppose to be an outlaw but was he. What the railroad did to his family and land what made him that way.

Ukraniac, live as if you will meet your maker tomorrow, love as long as you can

I'm Jesse's cousin by marriage on my grandfather's side. My mother was horrified but her brothers and father were mighty proud. 😊. interesting research for the family tree, though

Always learning
Gee-Gee, my mom's maiden name was Younger. She has a brother, Robert (Bob), and a sister who never married but has a son, Cole. My uncles thought were they were eelto the Younger gang but nobody's had any DNA tested to find out.

My maiden name was James and I changed my middle name to James later on. Like many of that surname, I had to deal with the usual problem when I researched my family tree. A great aunt said my great grandmother told her that the brothers once stayed with the family in Arkansas during one year. The diary she had has never been found and I've found no evidence of any kinship. Personally, I think it's just a rumor.

Great antiheroes of our wild west days.

My late husband's great-grandmother ran a boarding house in Texas that Jesse and his gang stayed at. According to her they were all polite, considerate young men.

Jackie , I am the great-great-great niece of Cole Younger. My Great-Great Grandfather was his brother "Bob". The name the family called him "Bobert". The name has continued right on down the line to my cousin.

I didn't know that good history

N1ghtw1shco0ls, Ii always heard the James gang never raided outside of Missouri, except the great Northfield raid where the gang got all shot up just before Bob Ford shot Jesse in the back!
I also heard that Frank James went back to the farm, got married and lived out his life as a farmer!

There is a theory that Jesse faked his death.

some people believe Jesse dodged his assassination

My son is a direct decendant of Jesse James. His family has a book that has his family history and it goes way back and Jessy James is in it. I wish I had paid more attention to it at the time.

Mom mom Cindy
raybo, is that a joke? PBS is fully snowflake evolutionist

Where my wife's family is from in SW corner of MO. at Pineville there's still annual festival called the Jesse James Days. The OG Jesse James movie from the 1930's was filmed there and the Court House was still in use until the 70's As well as the James Cavern that legend has it was used on occasions to evade capture. Because there is a way to get thru the mountain.

The James Brothers and the Youngers were cousins.

I was raised in Huntsville, Alabama and we were told that there still are scars on the wall of the First Alabama Bank in downtown Huntsville where Frank James robbed it and rode off under fire from the locals.

I am a descendant of Jesse.

cchipss75, I’m a distant cousin as well. We share a several times over great Grandfather who had the last name of Woodson. Jesse’s middle name.

Player #27633130
My mom and her siblings are Younger's. My one uncle believes they're related to the Younger gang but I've never traced our heritage back. My one aunt who never married named her son Cole and another uncle named his one son Travis Cole. It wouldn't surprise me if we were related to the Younger gang as that side of my family is definitely different!

Player #24917541
Player #8798130, jesses died in Alabama not mo

Player #24917541
Player #30082128,my Father stayed in his Jesse's house in Alabama which I think is pretty cool

Player #30082128
My Grandmother danced with Jesse James at a party/dance in Arkansas.

Player #5100533
NeeraTrue, There's a HUGE cave in MO. that Jessie used to hide out in. The LAW knew he was in there, & for 2 days, they staked out at the entrance to the cave. They finally decided to go in after him. HE WAS GONE. He had slipped out the "Back Door"... There was an exit at the back of the cave.

Player #8798130
in the early 60s lived in St
Joseph Missouri and saw the little house he lived in(the one he was shot in), now seeing the ads of this house is ridiculously large!

Smartass, Smartass

Player Darius
Maestro13, he turned himself in, did prison time, an after being released,married an farmed the rest of his life.