What is a wendigo?
Correct answer: An Algonquian folklore monster

Knew that from watching "Supernatural" ;)

Player Bengal Mama
In Girl scout camp one of the older girls and a couple of her buddies terrified the rest of us. She was telling the story when her friends began making noises in the woods then ran a flaming arrow on a string into a trash can with firecrackers in it. It was terrifying. They all got sent home in the morning but I just loved it. I hope she grew up and went to Hollywood to make scary movies.

I liked the Canadian RV choice. lol

Player #98883546
victorianwitch65, knew it from Stephen King’s story Pet Semetary

Thank you Supernatural!!

victorianwitch65, 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️ ive even seen that episode and still missed this. and now that you say it 🤦♀️🤦♀️

pattiehartland5000, Do you really think this game is for UK only ?

pixieish, great googly moogly! 😮

Watched a movie on the Wendigo about 10 years ago.

victorianwitch65, me too watching it at the mo and 2 episodes ago was Wendigo 🤗

pixieish, yup and now he is allowed to be on his own who know when theWendigo will bit his fancy again

It's happened in Canada, the courts wrote it off to temporary insanity and after a few months of hand holding combined with med's they let him go. Much to the protest of the victims family who had his head cut off and his brains eaten on a greyhound bus outside of Winnipeg, MB.