Which of these subjects is not mentioned in Sam Cooke's hit 'Wonderful World'?
Correct answer: Mathematics

had to sing this one

I understood that the question meant which subject is not mentioned 'by name' but maybe it should actually say that, just to be clearer.

Mario Suedi
They mean the word “mathematics “ is not in the song.

Hard to read this without singing it. :)

Agree with others. Maths ARE mentioned only under sub headings within the subject heading.

Player Darcy
Love the Motown sound. so much fun to sing along

Player AutumnWind33
Love the song...brings back good memories.

Kinda figured that mathematics doesn't really rhyme with much. Great song

Player #705122, Well, the words math and mathematics aren't mentioned.

Player #20610783
Saw Sam Cooke live back in 1962. A wonderful voice and performer.

Miss Sue
kebertxela, Me too! Forgot how wonderful this song is to sing. 😊

this through me even though I know the song as trigonometry and a slide rule are used in maths. not a very clear question

Got it wrong, for the same reason as many others, I'm sure!.
Unlike some, I'm not bitter,

Sam Cooke and Chain Gang also great.

Player #71328410
'Mathematics' was not mentioned. that was the question... right?

Lorraine , clear enough for a 10 year old, who wouldn't know what algebra and trigonometry were, but not clear enough for someone who knows what they are (or how to ask a proper multiple choice question). I got the right answer, per the person who asked the question, but it's a BAD question, or at least one without a satisfactory selection of answers.

Mrs busybody
The only way to answer this question is to sing it. Which I did even though I knew it. Mathematics doesn’t fit the rhyme they’re mostly ologies.

did the people going on about trig, arithmetic, etc, get the wrong answer

Jasonargonaut , bur mathematics is not mentioned

Horribly worded question, Algebra, Trig and Slide Rules are all mathematics. At least they were when I went to school.

kebertxela, me too!

The correct answer doesn’t really rhyme with anything!

When I was at school, the words slide rule, trigonometry, algebra were the stuff of nightmares!! As were arithmetic and geometry! But perhaps trigonometry was part of geometry. Who knows, I don't!

High school kids now would NOT know what a slide rule is for. I had to use one of those infernal contraptions when I was in school and I hated the bloody thing. A very basic and clunky calculator back then was over $100 and did just basic mathematics.

R.I.P. Sam Cooke! And Mickey Gilley too who just passed away.

Player Bengal Mama
Roberta Ann, That was So Good. We have a good sized old colony near where I live

Roberta Ann
The song "Wonderful World" was featured in the movie "Witness" starring Harrison Ford & Kelli McGillis.

Coco Monet
Angelique, So is trigonometry but 'mathematics' itself is NOT mentioned.

Player #25874027
Schematics , asthmatics , automatics, statics.

Player #11324748
Player Ejag, how can Harrison Ford out sing Sam Cooke LOL

Player #20188823
algebra is math

I can handle Adv engineering Math but mental arithmetic still overloads my brain's accumulator.

Hey! Wait just a doggone minute here. Trigonometry? algebra? slide rule? Those all have to do with mathematics; but OK, I get it. Still think it's a trick question, sorta.

andi210461, you mean geometry.

trigonometry and algebra are math so all of them actually were mentioned in the song but I guess they needed to make a question out of it.