How many times a year does an equinox occur?
Correct answer: 2

Player #4274367
Summer solstice is the longest day of the year, winter solstice is the longest night, the equinoxes have equal day and night time, that's how I've always remembered the differences.

Player #2037549, 2 equinox and 2 solstice

Player #2037549, nope, Vernal and Autumnal Equinox, and summer and winter Solstice.

Player #9784565
The comments adds to the enjoyment of the game :)

In Latin it means equal night.

Player #4027526
In my part of West Africa, it is hottest time of the year. It is when the sun is directly over the equator.

What is really fascinating is our ancestors who, built so many beautiful and stunning temples, and areas of worship to track this, aka early technology, 😁 the way they were so precise is so impressive!!

Player #2037549, I just looked it up because I was confused about this too. There are actually 2 equinoxes and 2 solstices.

Twigster, Astronomy class helped me answer this one too.

Equi = equal and nox = dark or night I guess? So equal hours of day and night.

Player #4274367, I'm pagan and the summer equinox is an all night party . Yule is winter equinox which Christians stole as Xmas 🙃

In the southern hemisphere summer solstice occurs on approx December 21st and is the longest day of the year. the winter solstice occurs on approx June 21st and is the shortest day of the year.
Spring equinox occurs on approx September 21st and the autumnal equinox occurs on approx March 21st. both these days have equal day and night.
In the northern hemisphere this is reversed..

Player #34543577, that's a riot!!

Player #4274367, wrong , on those dates day and nights last the same .

You… what are they talking about

Player #4027526, I'm also in West Africa and the rainy season has just started

Player #61252111
l was born on the summer soltice June 21 1st day ofsummer,longest day of the year!

Great thanks ! 😊

Player #38618593
The PLANE of the earth's equator.

Player #50696807
Player #4027526, I can't imagine.

The dates of the summer and winter solstices are also relative to which hemisphere you live in (northern and southern); while the equinoxes are fixed.

Player #45303196
equilateral, equidistant , equilateral, equinox... equi the same.

duh. I read this as "eclipse" and got super confused. I need a nap.

Player #4274367, an interesting fact is that on the equinoxes, the time from sunrise to sunset is a few minutes longer than the sunset to sunrise. The reason is that the earth's atmosphere slightly refracts the sun's light, and the effect is greatest when the sun is low in the sky. So the sunset we see is actually a couple minutes after the sun has already crossed below the plane of the horizon. Same thing happens at sunrise, we see the sunrise a couple minutes before it actually is above the horizon plane. So the equinoxes are in fact when the sun is directly overhead at solar noon on the equator, and not quite exactly when day and night length are the same

Player #4274367, you're so smart

Vincent Sablan
Vernal Equinox (Spring) and Autumnal Equinox (Fall), if I remember correctly...

Player #13023389
I enjoy the equinoxes every year. Debby

Player #19729569
Maestro1313, makes sense!

GI Joe
Suzy, to some it's 20-03-20

The Earth's equator passes through the center of the sun? If the earth went through the center of the sun once it certainly wouldn't happen a second time!

Steve'O'.., the one that begins spring. It is the first day of spring.

Today is 03-20-20.

the Persian new year also falls on March 20th for this reason

What is the Vernal equinox then?...

Player #11830941
$ ffj8jfbiufffggkg

Player #3478054
Player #4274367, June solstice and December solstice is more accurate since the two hemispheres dont experience the same season at the same time

Player #8390809
Player #1531959, turn around, bright eyes