What is the Chinese Zodiac sign for people born in 2016?
Correct answer: Monkey

"We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true." Robert Wilensky

Colin Chew

damnpaterfamilias, an infinite amount of monkeys

Colin Chew, not cow, OX

Player #63046978
Colin Chew, it's not chicken it's rooster,1969

If you were born in January 2016 you would be a goat, I have a son born in January.

There is only one animal that has a gender in the chinese zodiac and that is the rooster. All the rest are species of animals. There is also elements involved ie wood, fire, earth, water. Also depending on what time you were born you are either sun or moon. It takes 60 years to get back to your start position.

People born before Chinese New Year belong to the previous sign.

[bobbo16], well, that explains a lot! 😊

Mine is the goat, and I'm a Taurus, horns up..lol 🤘🏻😁🤘🏻