What was the world's first practical all metal aircraft?
Correct answer: Junkers J 1

that is so very cool. :)

Odd that it doesn't say it was made in Germany.

Player #48458
BrinyEggman2405, this answer tells you how much I don't know about planes

Also built the Ju52 transport plane (known as “Auntie Ju” by the pilots and paratroopers that used it). Had an engine on each wing and one in its nose.

Picture is of a USAF plane. Think it’s a P1 Thunderbolt from WWII.

Please. If you are referring to innovation in fighter aircraft during a conflict, please reference the nation where it was built. Thanks.

swish, pronounced Yunkers, sounds a little better

Player en_846
Junkers is so famous for the JU 87 Stuka dive bomber. It was had terrifying sirens that would scream as it dove over its target.

Player #48458
BrinyEggman2405, this answer