Who is this man?
Correct answer: Henry Ross Perot

P- Swivel Bitches
He wanted to run the country like a business. everyone works No free rides. and take care of our people first. no more giving millions to countrys that hate us. he would have fixed everything thats wrong with washington

Ethan Simmons
Rest in peace Mr. Perot. you would have made an excellent U.S. President. (1930-2019)

Canis Lupus
PointyDormouse60089, People who are working don't notice food going up a few cents at a time, but for a retired person it can mean giving up yet another part of our diet. I was a fiercely independent woman who raised three children without assistance(which meant there was little money for savings). Six months ago I had to give up t

Canis Lupus, people who work do notice when the cost of food rises a few cents at a time. I understand your woes though.

poor guy just passed on, he was a great cat

Elsbeth Mills, mr. pirro had to withdraw his name because his family was being threatened. and he decided that it wasn't worth the cost of the lives of his family. pretty sad what opposing viewpoints will do to someone who just wanted to fix the system.

Player #11046804coco
I remember. him saying"that sucking sound is our jobs going south". He was right!

Player #3911721
RIP sir. you were one in a million. (no pun intended)

Elsbeth Mills
He withdrew his candidacy before the election. The writers should have added that to the answer

Perot was not only a brilliant business man, but an amazing family man. He bowed out of the 1992 election campaign after death threats we made against him and his family. He kept this from the public for many, many years. He said no job was worth endangering his family! Good man. He would have made A Great President, running the govt like a business. RIP Mr. Perot

I chose the incorrect answer and still got it right. Why?

Nanarocks2468, just think how much different our country would be today if he were president instead of Billy!!! We would still have good jobs and everything we buy wouldn’t be made in China!

I voted for him in 1992.

I was horrified and shocked that Ross Perot didn't become President !! He would've made a great President, I really liked that Ross wanted to nip that job outsourcing garbage in the bud !! Him not being President was America's loss.

Nate, trumpets? is that a play on words? if so, I like it!

Player #119060238
WilliamR, I was ready to vote for him , the reason for his quitting was not clear then I was disappointed he withdrew, people should of known why then .

What a wicked world to threaten the lives of his family members so he would withdraw from the election. Imagine if every vote counted the same, not regions. If everyone in an area, like Los Angeles, liked a candidate, then so what? The other(s) would just have to do more campaigning. They feared Perot.

Nanarocks2468, Just like modern day Trumpets to anyone who disagrees with them.

Nanarocks2468, it was the clintons

I’m moving to fast 😂😡

Player #82605411
Player #11046804coco, WELL SAID!

I had the pleasure, as an 18 year old, to work for his 92 campaign and meet and visit with him several times. He was a true patriot and genuinely a good guy

Lets go Brandon!
Nanarocks2468, still happening to #35

The govt.was threatened of Perro. Thats why they threatened his family!

Player #mimi2157, it was because I voted for him, but it was also correct his family was threatened.

Canis Lupus, Me, too. The got wants Social Security, our money we paid in for years, to give to terrorists and illegals.

Player #33203767
Great man! He grew up on the same street as my grandfather here in Texarkana and has been incredibly generous to this community, restoring our local theater and keeping our community college going. I met him briefly on one of his visits here. He was very kind. The man was an absolute genius in technology and business as well.

Jimmy Jigger
,, ZZ

Guillermo Jr.
Player #mimi2157, yes.. I voted for him..

he had really big ears... conceptually.. a great attribute in a politician

Player Diver Dan
Never proposed any actual plan for HOW to achieve his promised goals.
When asked he would just say "were gonna do it".
Thankful that he never got elected.

Talked the good fight. And people listened. But when it looked like he might win. he quit the race.

I came so close to hitting Purdue 😆.

Player steel77
I'm all ears.

I'm Ross Perot and I've got 4 billion dollars!

Player Tystyx

Player #11046804coco
Player #MinnieLuv, grow up and smell the coffee....work hard and stop asking for handouts!

el stupitho
you people