What is the approximate length of a giraffe's tongue?
Correct answer: About 20 inches

Their saliva has antibacterial properties also.To collect leaves, the giraffe wraps its long tongue around a branch to strip off the leaves. The teeth are spaced like combs which help separate the leaves from the thorns.

Montana Lady
They can actually go without water for a longer period of time than a camel can.

they have the most amazing eyelashes!!😊

Would be nice to have this in cm too ;)

everything on a giraffe is long the neck the tail the tongue

We don't use inches in South Africa, so was unsure of this answer

bagguet kitty
it's cool to see a giraffe 🦒

Use metric system, mayority rules. + is better.

ava, multiply by 2.5 to get it in cms

Player #25874027
508 mm is not even close to 60 cm in any measurements system ,except a country mile . It is close to 51cm.
In real money that’s just under 4 inches difference to the original 20 inches or 20 % .
Should we now refer to you as Knodel71?

A metric equivalent in the multiple choice would be great.
I have no idea what an inch is.

DistinctiveThanks6, apparently it rarely gets its head above water level

Chezikeets, human saliva also has antibacterial properties, I think its quite a common trait in cross species