According to Guinness World Records, what is the best selling book of all time?
Correct answer: The Bible

i rather believe He is real and when judgement day comes go to heaven then to not believe n live eternity in hell. Thats a huge risk i will not take. unfortuanelty believing in Him is tainted bcuz of how disgusting some people that claim to believe in him are so i get it ...but God has done great things for me n He is very real!

Bible = Basic instructions before leaving earth

Player Karen

Player #2398356
MellaBellaFranchella, I am a Christian and try hard to be like Jesus. Thank God He forgives us when we do not act correctly.

"Jesus loves me this I know, for the BIBLE tells me so"

Player #3813778
valkyrious6, The Bible has freed me from control by others. As Jesus said, "If you abide in my word, then are you my disciples indeed; and you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free." Have you ever read the entire Bible? I dare you!

The Bible is the real book of knowledge One verse can change your whole view on something

quran is amazing . try read it and you'll know

Player #159933
BodaciousIfrit25118, You're right, there's only ONE God and without him you wouldn't be here.

BodaciousIfrit25118, There is one true God. He rules this Earth and he WILL win. I am 100 percent sure and I stand by my faith always.

I read it every day. it is a fabulous book

Player #149840538
I dispute this, I think the Qur'an is the current best seller

Player #149138467
How do I convert to Arabic?

Player #149138467
I don't know English

Nurse T
Victoria Vest, it will change your life!

Player #119111318
No offense but this was EASY!

I didn't know that thank you.

Player #147389624
اريد بلعربي

Jhon dw enameled Amma ikeja slams ela da flame smash am gn as ambergris dish briskets

Hi: I have read the Bible. The Old Testament is hard to read. The Proverbs and the Psalms are wonderful. Read them. They give you insight.

poopy pants
MellaBellaFranchella, then your belief is not out of love for God, but fear of hell.

player when I was small we go to church every day and I remember a lot of bible story

Giggle Pig
MMM, but you are wrong for looking forward to their demise with glee.

Talaith, Don't accept religion, accept truth,as the way you accept the textbooks that were written by men full of flaws

kronik, The world is like it is because nobody reads the Bible anymore like they should. Also 1 John 5:19 says: "We know we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.

GWYN57, no group psychosis

Player Karen, at killing babies

kiwicomp, do you have a Bible does rock!

how many people that know God or reads the Bible probably loves him
everybody should

Thank you God for all the things you have done for me amen.

Player #143085717
I love watching Guinness world records it my favourite thing to watch when I was younger I always used to watch it with my brother and I have a bible that I read every morning and night it is so good to feed it is it just so good I love it

Yep,, non-believers are in for awakening when Jesus comes back.
I'm so glad I know him🙏🛐

Cat Memes
God Always Forgives Sin No Matter What. Thank You So Much Lord For This

I don't accept any religious treatise as they were written by men, not a spiritual entity and are used to control human populations with fear and lies.

I can see it.. there is probably more than 3 bibles in the room I'm currently in. I know for sure a copy of the Quran is in here. my mom loves to read and I've picked that little bit from her up.

Amen! God bless all of you!

The Bible is a Book of wisdom and knowledge that help Us to draw to our Creator who created all things.

The Bible is a Book of wisdom and Bible Prophecies are being fulfilled before our very eyes

The Bible is there to direct Us in life and help us
