When a Jewish boy reaches the age of 13 years, he celebrates what?
Correct answer: Bar Mitzvah

any reason to party is fine by me

Congratulations for keep your cultural practice for decades against such violence, deaths, displacement etc. Keep going with your faith....other faiths should take notice of commitment and non violent faith.

An extremely important cultural practice, that of formally observing milestones in your development as a responsible human being... something missing amongst the cynical secular-only crowd

WiseWoman, and in case you think I'm preaching, let me say my fiance is a Jew, ND he dies follow Judaism but they are specifically forbidden to proselytize, EVER. They must be very careful never to say anything that might make anyone feel like they're trying to convert them to Judaism.

Player #2770890
I thought mitzvah meant "blessing". This was interesting to read.

WiseWoman, it IS a race, and a nation, whether they have a physical country or not. There are Christian Jews, just like there are Christian Arabs. The Jews are a race who also have Judaism as a religion (most of them have it as their religion, I mean.) Read the Bible, the Old Testament; the first five books are the same for Judaism and Christianity, and it says in there that the Jews are a race and a nation. Plus DNA now backs it up.

Player Moonbeam
DryFilling5, as a Jewish woman I am glad to see this being pointed out. we do not try to convert any one ☮️

Judaism is a religion. Jewish are a race. Both can use the term Jews, and those who hold those beliefs may also say they are Jewish, but that can lead to confusion since they are separate and distinct things. You can be one, the other, both, or neither. Christian Jews are those who descend from Jewish bloodlines and identify with them, but who have accepted the followings of the New Testament and Jesus Christ. So Jews for Jesus are a sect of folks with this distinction. An additional bit of interesting trivia: Jewish bloodlines are officially traced only through the mother's line. You are Jewish if your mother is, but not if your father is and mother is not.

Player #15356395
ShoddyVerdict1, That’s why I always roll my eyes when I hear Jews for Jesus mentioned...

karmayeshegyatso, some doesnt need any supreme being to be responsible humans.

pereao, I like your attitude ♥️

IntransigentBug77823, And what they are doing to Palestinians? Killing more than 30 000..... what do you call it?

Nezabarom, Mediterranean is not a race.

Player #117559035
Daz, They do that in Islam as well.

karmayeshegyatso, what you call "cynical secular-only crowd" doesn't need shame, threats of eternal damnation, segregation, ancient myths and humiliation to teach its children how to be respectful and responsible adults.

Daz, and that is because Jewish women always want 20% off.

L3, very confusing when a person of a different race can join the Jewish race by professing Judaism.

IntransigentBug77823, nonviolent after murdering all the people of Jericho and Aje

pereao, this is how yids take over.???

Player #38618593
Judaism is a religion, but Jews are a PEOPLE, not a race. Proof: anyone can change their religion, but no one can change their race.

Player #38618593
Wrong. Jews are a PEOPLE, not a race. Think about it: you can change your religion, but not your race.

have heard the term bar mitzvah many time

DryFilling5, i am a 63 year old Catholic female of German, French with some Swiss and English here in the US. DNA shows me with some Awkinazi Jewish, united Kingdom, Wales, Scot and Ireland. only light German and French. GO FIGURE.

Denzil Deosingh
pereao, come to Trinidad+Tobago don't even need a reason to party.

IntransigentBug77823, well I'm Roman Catholic. All roads lead to Rome. Not Israel.

L3, Jewish is an ethnicity, Caucasian or Mediterranean is a race.

Player #34143062
Pozolan, bat is for girls

bat I also true

Player Gigi #28446253
Supposedly, "the age of reason" falls in along with puberty which was important back when the Bible was written.

"Boy Mitzvah" is a teen Isreali New Kids on the Block cover band..

Shalom! 😘🕯

Tracy Goodwin
The Man With No Name, I believe what rhe post was trying to convey is what is called a completed Jew, or a messianic Jew which is a jew converted to Christianity.

Player #24495520
mermaidmessiah, that’s for the girls

Player Moonbeam
The Man With No Name, yes!! thank u for stating that! same with messianic it's just impossible lol ☮️

karmayeshegyatso, not just seculars!

Hmmm... Does that mean Batgirl was Jewish? I might have to consult an "Oracle" to find out... (Comic book humor) :D

Player #18750704
why is there no facility to correct a mistakenly pressed option?