What is the name of Tom Sawyer's love interest in the novel, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer?

Correct answer: Becky Thatcher

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What people think about it: 33 Comments
Tom Sawyer and the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is one of my favorites
I love the story of Huck also
Not only was Mark Twain a genius novelist, he had an equal genius wit for sarcasm. His essays and speeches are wonderful reads; not at all like the stereotypical monotone writings of others. Twain also wrote scathing sarcastic reviews of his fellow authors, which did not always make him a popular author among his contemporaries. In Twain's time stories / novels typically came out in popular magazines, a few chapters at a time, rather than, like today in 1 entire book at a time. People would anxiously await, Train's latest chapters of adventures of Huck, Becky, and Tom. Twain also wrote numerous short stories, worth reading. Train's wit is incomparable, to this day.
Bobby Red Shoes
Bobby Red Shoes
I'm originally from CHI TOWN and pancake houses are called Huck Finns. One of the dishes is a Becky Thatcher. That's how I new the answer. Oh and the dishes is good too!
It is such a great book... and it is one of the few stories that still remain lovely even after Hollywood butchers it...
Mark Twain - a great American author.
Guillermo Jr.
Guillermo Jr.
Mark Twain is a common theme here.. nice to see talent remembered!
Now all the "woke" liberals want the story banned calling it racist. What's next with these people???
Player #19688789
Player #19688789
My name is Rebecca.. so I will always remember reading this book..I have the same personality as Becky thatcher
Stu Pidassle
Stu Pidassle
Twain wrote some of the finest stories and essays.
Mark Twain was amazing.. a great writer and a great family man. Children today need to watch his stories. There are to many action hero films… please start showing Mark Twan stories..
Woah I don't remember any of this, I need to reread the story.
CharlieD, Chi Town is Chicago.
Nerak 7
Nerak 7
Twain was a great writer and people should be able to read his books. Times were different when he wrote the books. Folks are to realize this. Later in life while talking about his books at a university,he talked with an African American student who told him that he would not be able to finish college.unknown to him Twain paid tuition an room an broad for him until he graduated
Bobby Red Shoes, I'm from there as well, but never heard that. Cool!
Bruiser, All Communists re-write history and ban great literature. Ours are no different.
Mark Twain’s favorite game was billiards. Just putting it out there 😊
Bobby Red Shoes, interesting,what and where is CHI TOWN?
Player #68594183
Player #68594183
I’m from the UK and just started reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, but for some reason I always thought it was just for kids so never bothered to read it, but there’s some heavy stuff in it both socially and in the home, also touching on racist and moral issues. It took a while for me to get into it but it’s definitely starting to grow on me. I had heard of the book and had in mind some romantic idea of riding down the Mississippi on a boat, but never knew how significant it was culturally, especially in America where I since learned was taught in schools but now banned due to bad words in it and it was also banned on first publication in Massachusetts as “trash and suitable only for slums” as well as banned in many libraries. The book was first published in the UK where it was also not looked upon favourably by some Victorian’s for the violence and bad language etc. This literary classic divided opinion though and people were in favour of it and some believed it was necessary to demolish the dwindling romantic writing that was falling out of fashion, leading to bigger possibilities of what could be written.
SparkyChaz2018, a satirist, American Born and bred! awesome.
SparkyChaz2018, "the Devil's Racetrack." 'Nuff said.
Player #45303196
Player #45303196
Player falling knife. Huckleberry Finn is a much more difficult book to read and understand than Tom Sawyer. Tom Sawyer is a good book but Huckleberry Finn is a masterpiece.
Jaymz The B.
Jaymz The B.
SparkyChaz2018, very good assessment of Twain and his unique abilities.
Player #36196577
Player #36196577
Player falling knife, Huckleberry Finn. This novel is much better than Tom Sawyer.
I need to read this book!
Player falling knife
Player falling knife
Folk don't realise he brought out a second book with identical characters. It was called Huckleberry Twin I think
Player #13023389
Player #13023389
I've read the book at least 3x and it's good every time. Debby
charlize 6
first of all the greats
( Snail Darter)
( Snail Darter)
LittleMissyA0107, Yep,he was born in Florida......Florida, Missouri.
Wonderful example of American literature. One of my favorite stories and authors.
movie houses need to do new movies of the two books.
sargie 43
sargie 43
zhaskadusale1997, i love you