Who is he?
Correct answer: Boris Yeltsin

Player #9495659
Tauney, We are oppressing Russia?????? Try reading the Washington Post. Trump knows nothing about history. He claims The Washington Post is Fake News. What was Trump doing in 1973, that he seems to know nothing about journalistic and political events. The Washington Post broke the actions of Nixon, who was at least smart enough to leave Wasjington, before his impeachment proceedings, could begin. The Washington Post and New York Times are 2 of the most respected news papers in the nations, just as CNN, also accused of being fake news, is a respected .cable news channel. The only thing fake, is the narcissistic person in the White House.

Player #33034991
he was drugged wasn't he.

Ireland abú
Very easy when you do process of elimination.

Player #5100533
masterridley, apparently were the people that answered Joseph Stalin as well.

badly written last paragraph failed to say he died so an obituary before death

Another Soviet, He originally was the Armourments Minister, who in 1971 authorised the building of 85 Thousand nuclear weapons, ordered military training for 12 to 16 year olds in special Weapons Academies. Breading hatred of western, African, and Asian Values.

masterridley, so was every Russian lol

what's wrong with that? so am i.

he was always drunk lol