What was the first commercial film shown in stereophonic sound?
Correct answer: Fantasia

Laudy Miss Claudy
The music and animation of Fantasia are without compare.

My children & their children's favorite shows because of both the wonderful colors & music.

Disney came up with alot of pioneering cinematic techniques.

Aliens come out of the walls and eat the entire squad of Interstellar Marines!
well no, not really but! Many people Did find the actual film very, Very scary.
It's said the audio depth of stereo hit the audience where they'd never felt with such gripping visuals.

* Seshati *
I love this film, the second instalment was good too. I also enjoyed the Italian Fantasia inspired film Allegro Non Troppo it’s really funny & of course has great artwork. For those who haven’t seen it, try to find a copy somewhere somehow it’s so worth it, of course it’s in Italian with subtitles.

I absolutely love Fantasia and so does my 6 year old son! It's our go-to film when we're not feeling to well or when the weather's really bad! We love nothing better than snuggling up and watching it!