Which candidates squared off against each other in the first ever televised Presidential debate?
Correct answer: Nixon vs. Kennedy

Wow I feel older than Methuselah!!!! I remember seeing that on tv !!!

Nixon used to be the biggest dirt bag we ever had in a president. Ah, the good old days...

Another case in point. Lincoln was too everything to win the election: he'd lost too many previous elections, he was too tall, too thin, too ugly, too uncultured, his wife was too crazy, etc. But he had a good sense of humor, was smart as a whip (though self educated), loved his country and his many attempts to serve his country showed he wouldn't give up. He saw to the heart of matters and helped America see what we needed and why. He is considered one of our greatest Presidents. For such a time as this...

Once television was used in politics the belief is that the most attractive people always won out over those less attractive and charismatic.

this demonstrated the power of television. great question.

I am not a crook!?!?

Brian Matthew
I am not a democrat, but JFK was a great president.

Prior to the debates Nixon was in the lead. While preparing makeup, Kennedy said he did not need any. Kennedy was very tanned. Nixon hated Kenedy and even then showed his paranoia. Nixon also said he did not need makeup, but he was very pale; so on tv, Nixon appeared pale and looked terrible. From that point on, it became a close race.

Player #21134211
Lincoln was who he was... he overcame things that would melt a snowflake in today's world. History is who we are.... don't hate or judge . 🧐

mattkellz7790, What in the world are you talking about, "wiretapped the entire country"? Make Sense!!

Player #148809141
Brian Matthew, it's up for censur with me lately (10yrs~). I have been listening to tapes of Nixon and kennedy; even Roosevelt from way back, and I find a common theme. not one of them spoke disrespectfully about our enemies...Viet Nam was a very tangled military mess inherited by three president's, and I believe each was earnest in their dire concern. much was politics - mid-terms coming!

Player #148809141
Brian Matthew, don't be too hasty,

Player #148809141
SneakyMole92698, rofl! witness!

I didn't know that I was that 🗝️ old

My mother said Kennedy agreed to wear makeup for the TV, but Nixon refused and it made him look bad on TV. Even though it was black and white TV, we now know makeup can make a difference.

DetroitJason00, I think there was, and possibly may be a close contender.

RedFork2012, but he was a couple years before tv.

Nerak 7
I would like a debate in 2024 where I can see the candidates .. Seeing is not always believing. My vote will be decided by the answers that they provide regardless of the party.

knowledge hunger
That began The Power of Television for Political Candidates!! Kennedy was Neat & Meek while Nixon looked tired & unshaved

Player #130998363
RFK Jr says the CIA was behind the JFK and his dad, RFK. He said there were deathbed confessions about it. He's running for president right now.

I saw that debate Kennedy was the clear winner, now they just yell at each other and you don't know who stands for what

RedFork2012, I will always remember Nixon's face on television during the Watergate scandal. He said, while shaking his head vigorously left and right with the loose skin of his jowls quivering, "I am not a crook." So funny.

Woman on Fire
Brian Matthew, Debatable as the man was a nymphomaniac who snuck up to 10 or more women a day into the WH for sex while he conducted business. He was also addicted to Percocet 20/325, taking up to 30 a day due to injuries incurred while in WWll. His presidency wouldn’t survive today’s scrutiny in any way. He and his brother were serious Racists but decided to take the country in a new direction towards desegregation so people wouldn’t pay attention to some of their less than kosher practices and companions. Such as the Las Vegas mob Hoover had a large file on JFK. Bobby on the other hand would have been a much better person to lead this country as he had time to learn from his brothers mistakes and some of his own. Unfortunately we never got the opportunity to see his legacy come true due to who the heck knows? We know who pulled the trigger but not who pulled the strings to anything that happened in the sixties. Maybe Hoover? Hmmm?

SneakyMole92698, I was three, lol

Patsy 66
SparkyChaz2018, Nixon didn't shave, he looked like a criminal 😂

SneakyMole92698, Thank you. An amazing part recent history I learned as a kid born in 1970. I'm not so young

Waldo Lydeker
On radio, Nixon won. On TV, his profuse sweating turned people off.

Player #61547029
DetroitJason00, Now 45 too that title.

Player #46791793
Player #24358685, they record meta data, not the call.

This was too hard no one should know it

no Black caricature , people who don't cheat are always the minority

The debat.

Player #24358685
MinusculeRoof6, he is referring to the fact that all phone calls are now intercepred and stored by the NSA, ostensibly for future research into potentially bad actors. You don't know about this? Ground was broken on their new facility during the Obama administration. It was in the news--on page A7, lower right corner, with the headline, "Ground-breaking Ceremony for new Information Center." Or something to that effect.

Player #10022413
those watched said Kennedy debated better. those who listened on the radio said Nixon did.
but no one makes judgements on appearances, we're all reasonable

RedFork2012, I believe he was and still is our best POTUS to this day

Player MS 100
i hate this question

Jocko Fu
a bit too early for me on that one, but I do remember when JFK was assasinated

l wonder how the Cuban missile crisis would have turned out if Nixon had of won.