Which plant is found in the forest, blooms in its 15th to 17th year, and is listed in the Red List?
Correct answer: Lady's-slipper orchid

CoolE, it’s the list of endangered species International Union of Conservation of Nature (IUCN) . The IUCN was founded in 1964 ,Red List of Threatened Species

How can something be extinct in Greece, but common in other places? And why don't the Greeks just plant some more lady slippers?

I have a plan
Remembering me one of the most annoying quests in red dead redemption 2

I t should have said that it is a type of lady slipper orchid as there

In Minnesota the Showy Ladies Slipper is the state flower.

Slim Charles
we have these in the Adirondack forests of northern New York state. They are pink and look like a part of the female anatomy:)

CoolE, a list made by the ICUN (international union for conservation in nature) that specifies species at risk of extinction .

What is the "red list"?

My m-I-l transplanted one from the forest to her flowerbed. She knew it was illegal. 😮

little b
I've not heard of a lady's belle slipper flower,😈

we have Ladie slipper growing wild. in the mountains woods in Tennessee, a lot of our family were from England,