What are planets named after?
Correct answer: Gods

Earth is also named after the Greek godess Gaia which, when translated into English means, err, earth

I am glad that they named the plants long time ago. The names are cool.

The word "Earth" has been used for at least 1400 years. It means, simply, land or soil. The Latin word is Terra, and the Roman Goddess of the Earth is Terra Mater (Earth Mother). The best poster I ever saw had a picture taken from space of the big, blue, beautiful Earth standing alone against the blackness of space. Underneath, the simple words: Respect Your Mother.

Marcy, Aphrodite is Venus. One name is Greek, the other Latin (Roman.)
I.E. Ares = Mars

Player #57750688
Maybe a silly question but...who are 'they'...who named the planets?

Snance, I'm sure you meant "planets" not plants, although some plants have cool and interesting names as well.

Deborah, that derives from Latin. as do many species of almost everything. it's the class system.

Player #57750688, the ancient philosophers and scientists. specifically the Greeks and the Romans.

Terra Haute
high plains

Nico Robin
venus is my fav roman/greek god

CyanJaguar62, I believe Abraham, in the Bible, lived in Ur in his younger years.

Player #92723922
No, Julie P.
Erda was a god also - a Norse goddess, mother of the earth, Valkuries and others. From her, we get the word earth.

they are not really living there has not been any evidence that they actually have ever lived.

Puma Girl
Snance, very cool.

Puma Girl
bishbosh, thank you.

But where's Aphrodite Athena and minerva is there a minerva in milky way (forget my asking i'm just out of my mind maybe)