What type of bones, in the human body, can be either true, floating or false?
Correct answer: Ribs

Oh, I totally forgot about my ribs after they disappeared about 30 pounds ago...

didnt know that.

Player #2132983
great question and well explained...thanks 😊

I did not understand the Q so just random picked lol

I've learned so much! Who knew we are all true, false, and float inside

best ribs are baby back ribs with some sweet baby Ray's sauce....who can argue that fact

Linda Lou
oops....As I was saying....got choked, heimlich maneuver by MMA fighter, cracked ribs....painful enough, but I lived to tell about it. ta dah!

Player #5944995
Not sure why so many are taking issue with the question....it's perfectly worded and grammatically correct, to me at least🤓😊

Player #1490116
Player #4541612, nothing wrong with the question....

player384555, nothing wrong with the question. you either know the answer or you don't.

Frodosynthesis35, Mine disappeared roughly 39 to 49 pounds ago.

Slipkid, your have that right ! Baby back ribs are the best !

The questions are very interesting and educational, Better still, people's comments are wonderful. Some make me LOL. 🤣

oh what about spare ribs

in a major car accident i was in i think my right side rib 6? was broken thereby puncturing one of my lungs. sounds like it was a true rib, no wonder it took 4 days of being on a ventilator b4 i took a breath on my own.

I knew this one as one of my crazy relatives got one or both (can’t remember) of her floating ribs removed to make her waist smaller. True story. Can’t choose your relatives hey!

Sesamoid bones are bones which you are not born with, but develop in life. The largest of these is the patella or knee cap. You "grow" a knee cap around 18 months old while crawling and learning to walk.
Sesamoid bones can also be known as true bones, floating, and false bones.

Awesome Explanation Stevie G.

RICK-N-BACHER, I never knew about true and false ribs, but the floating part gave it away.

This question to those not knowing about the ribs is confusing! Luckily I had the knowledge but it's not asked in a way one can understand

I wanted to remove some of my ribs but now they have a name and feel special 🥺😜

Player #4501120
love this question learn something new every time I play

Herlene Tyson
Frodosynthesis35, 🤣

i think that ribs are delicous... on the grill of course!

Wow this is really interesting, thank you for submitting this question!

someone i know had broken 16 ribs but medical report does not explain this to know if any area surrounding or connected could be damaged as well.

Player #31796263, didn’t know that, but should be the other way around having that Eve was made out of Adam’s ribs ;) Is this why only count only 11 pairs of ribs on the photo? It’s a female skeleton?
I knew about the floating ones but not the false ribs. I don’t think the term false is accurate here, they should have chosen another name.

Player #33236279
Is there extra commas in this question? “What types of bones, in the human body, ....”. Then seeing the true, false I had no idea what was being asked... shouldn’t it be “What types of bones in the human body can be...”. ObviousIy I had no idea that the ribs have these types!

Guillermo Jr.
the human ♥ can also be true, floating or false..

Player #29202903
Slipkid, from Montana's! lol

Player Lady Bird
Player #12870971, floaters are in the eye... ribs are floating

Player Lady Bird
Player #25874027, those are floaters

Player #29639805
ribs are not free floating bones! your knee cap is the prime example

Player #25874027
Player #12870971,
They are small specks in your vision , the question specified bones , not dead bodies in rivers

Player #25874027
I have re-read the question,and disagree . To fix it you should have gone to school.

i broke my sesamoid bone, it is defined precisely like that

Player #9651136
i have an extra vertebra and set of ribs! Never knew until I had to have an x-ray!

[bobbo16], haha