An 'Unkindness' is the collective noun for which birds?
Correct answer: Ravens

a group of crows is called a murder

Laudy Miss Claudy
A quarrel of sparrows, a kit of pigeons and an exaltation of larks. Who came up with these names, anyway?

To be honest crows, ravens rooks all look the same to me my dog doesn't care she chases them all, that was before one didn't fly off then my dog stopped in her tracks and turned around nonchalantly as if to say I didn't want to catch it anyway.

luckycatfay, one way to tell is that ravens walk and crows hop.

Player #22125243 MIKE
Ravens can also be called a 'conspiracy' , both sinister names. My favourite group names for birds are :- a charm of Goldfinches and a round of Robins.

I'd never heard that before. Thank you!

They have also been known to fly upside down in a playful way.

Ravens are cool. I wonder if they're called an unkindness because they remember unkindness done to them and seek revenge? Which they do.

Laudy Miss Claudy, a dazzle of zebras, a kaleidoscope of butterflies, a charm of hummingbirds

Player #38618593
Yup. That's because your dog enjoys the chase, not the catch.

A parliament of owls.

Ravens are bigger and differ in other ways, such as body features, call, and flight. Where I live in northern Canada, the ravens were pushed out by crows (because of differences in territorial and breeding habits).

I'll just keep it simple and call all groups of birds 'a flock'.

Let’s hope they never escape from their cages in The Tower of London, I would love a story where one of them works out how to pick the locks!!!! 🤣😂

Player #43988163
a flamboyance of flamingoes

creampuff1mom, A Murder of Crows....A great movie!

Player #38618593, just like SOME Peeps of all genders eh 😉😘😉

RushMama2112, we don't have Ravens in Australia OR we do and they are called Crows! LOVE their Call 🧡💛

From Google: It's thought that a group of ravens is called 'an unkindness' because back in the 19th century, many people believed that these birds weren't all that caring when it came to their young. From time to time, ravens can expel their young into the world before they're ready to fend for themselves.

Player Say what!?
luckycatfay, Funny. Ravens are bigger. That's the only difference.

Laudy Miss Claudy, All these different names give me a headache.

#3242847 Venice Queen, which was taken from the short story written by Daphne duMaurier

Player #16449431
creampuff1mom, agreed

creampuff1mom, is correct, it is a murder