What is the Apgar test (Apgar score)?
Correct answer: Newborn baby test

the apgar test was created by Dr. Virginia Apgar.
This mnemonic comes in handy when I assess my patients.
A- appearance
P- pulse
G -grimace
A- activity
R- respiration

FunkyMonkey, i think your iq is just fine. sometimes you learn more from your wrong answers than right. i guess that is why i am enjoying this game

Wow, give a baby a test the second it's born!! Welcome to life. lol

never leard of this test

K'Daneth1, Hang in there. Even if you didn't know before, now you do! Keep playing and keep learning.

FunkyMonkey, yeah give yourself a break. Unless your in the medical field & even then maybe just obstetrics, most people probably won't know this. I myself did not know this. I knew it was iq or baby but I've never heard an iq test referred to this so I guessed baby... But even then, I used double chance in the odd chance I was wrong.
I agree w/other person that you can often learn more from one's mistakes & some might argue thats the only way we learn anything.

my baby girl scored a perfect score and was born at home. And not on purpose!!

I did not know what the Apgar test was!! It was a lucky guess on my part! I really appreciate the explanation at the end, too!

On the contrary, your son's low scores showed the need for vigilance. At least the doctors were aware of his need for attention. Until he was born, they could not assess him. The Apgar is merely an assessment tool. It is not cure, but gives an indication that something needs attention. My oldest daughter had good Apgars, but possibly a bit of fecal material got out of her intestine causing he g become septicemia and have a stroke as well. Later we realised she was also autistic. None of this was anybody's fault. Stuff happens. We have to accept that and deal with it. It's not about blame.

Hypercheckers311, me either and I've given birth three times. :/

I did 2 home births, one planned, one not. with a set of twins, hospital in between. Really glad I knew about them. I knew my home birth kids were ok and breathing etc correctly. The twins whisked away as soon as born. My son would have died, but I insisted on breastfeeding. He had mucus in the lungs. I did apgar on him after an hour, concerned he was a bit blue. Then screamed for a ruddy doctor. they didn't like it, but it saved his life.

XxAngelxX2021, My daughter was a full month late and she had a perfect score. plus long hair every where

Mars V
I cheated on it.🙄

Remember hearing about this from a friend of mine who was an intern at the time.

Hypercheckers311, learned from the TV show House

My children were born in 1966 & 1968. Never heard of this test. Doctors never mentioned it. My dtr spent 2 days in hospital due to breathing problems so I guess she had the test even though it wasn't mentioned to me.

Vilmantonette, Very cool mnemonic!

Deadpool1513, Same 🤔. But I did guess IQ the first time. Luckily I had a second chance and got it right

Lady butterfly
Vilmantonette, thanks for the mnemonic

Vilmantonette, grimace?

lol 😂 as a guy I had never heard of one test

Lady Marmalade
Vilmantonette, I thought the g was for gestational age, how many weeks spent in utero

everyone who has ever had a child knows what this is. common knowledge.

did you ever have a baby? every mom in the US knows about this test unless they are totally out of it. Just saying

I'm very surprised we didn't get a picture of a baby LOL

Vilmantonette, thanks for sharing this clarification

Hypercheckers311, most people probably haven’t if you’ve studied midwifery or obstetrics then it’s a common test used for newborns

dmcloren, 😂 and then . . The bright lights, poking, suctioning, prodding, weighing . . Drops in the eyes lots of stuff and then a bit of a bath and get dressed THEN “thank you for getting me back to my mommy”!

Virginia Apgar, is the creator of the Apgar score.
Today, the categories developed by Apgar used to assess the health of a newborn remain largely the same as in 1952, though the way they are implemented and used has evolved over the years. The score is determined through the evaluation of the newborn in five criteria: 1)Activity (tone), 2)Pulse, 3)Grimace, 4)Appearance, and 5)Respiration.
For each criterion, newborns can receive a score from 0 to 2. The list of criteria is a “backronym” of Apgar's surname.

Confused by this question I didn’t know they test newborns

I knew this because of a video by Sam O Nella

toe jam
if the baby looks pale or yellow in color, sometimes it's jaundice.

My daughter had an APGAR score of 9.5 when she was born because her feet were a little blue. My son scored 9.9 because the doctor did not give out perfect scores.

My was ten

In today's world, I don't understand why a chromosome test isn't given @ birth as I have been told that the proper sex origin is not obvious for some newborns.

I didn't know that. Amazing and wonderful.

Hypercheckers311, May not remember it, but we all would have done it!

Player #40275727
I flunked my test. couldn't take it over either

The first test I had and nobody told me my score. I hope I passed.

I've been bingeing on cooking shows so I did a double take when I read the baby is rested for 20 minutes 😱😅