The Mount Rushmore National Memorial in South Dakota appears in what Alfred Hitchcock film?
Correct answer: North by Northwest

The next time you watch North by Northwest look for the little boy in the last sequence who plugs his ears with his fingers BEFORE the gunshot. One of my favorite movie bloopers of all time.

Another great Hitchcock classic.

Montana Lady
I've never seen the movie, but to get to the northwest United States most people take the interstate highway across South Dakota, which passes straight through the Black Hills where Mount Rushmore is located. So I figured it had to be "North by Northwest"...

Hitchcock was 1 of the best director of all time. He never made a bad movie. I've heard he was hard to work with, especially for female actresses. His tv show is also great.

Player #3811825
I have seen all Alfred Hitchcock movie The Bird North by Northwest vertigo I love them all great TV movie Tom Whitmore movies I love them

Good ole Carey Grant! My favorite accent.

Player #11503902
Hitchcock is one of the best directors of all time. He took many risks in his filming, that to this day, I have never seen another director attempt. It is also fun to find Hitchcock appear in each of his films,

Player #3575143
Player #185561, It is impressive up close. Very close is the equally impressive Crazy Horse monument.


Player #185561, it is memorable! When you go be sure to go thru Mitchell, SD to see the Corn Palace!

Lady Klaybuck
Grandviewgirl66, Truly amaizing (pun there Maize is 🌽!). So much work making Murals from husks, cobs even seeds and then they change the panels. The Western US is still awesome despite Our last president and others trying to destroy Our Country but. he and his V P need Our 🛐 that they repent and mean it and try to fix it. Good once,-DC can corrupt even the best civic minded people God Bless All Always in All Ways, Lady Klaybuck 🙏🕊️☯️🤠

Lady Klaybuck
Player #11503902, if he didn't I don't think Mel Brooks or Steven King would have! Fun facts/questions! Enjoy, Lady Klaybuck 🤠

WolfCounsel621, of course you’d plug yer ears before the gunshot!! What good would it do to plug them after?!?!! 😂

I thk I hv seen all Hitchcock 's movies. All great, suspenseful on the edge of you seat entertaining

Nerak 7
This is a great movie. listen to the dialogue.. today movies have very few words.. Everyone in this movie is excellent..

McatRR, why are you shouting

one of my favorite movies

how many of U'ns remember the classic opening of the Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Theater, with his silhouette and then comes into focus as he turns towards the camera, with the opening line, "Good Evening,"...

Player #3575143, One day I would like to see it!

Player #115972593
Can u play without a time limit?

WolfCounsel621, yep 😄

Mel brooks spoofed Hitchcock in his movie high anxiety

Waldo Lydeker
Two distinctively-voiced, classy, attractive actors playing off each other. Poor Eva Marie Saint caught in the middle, not fair. The last scene, pure Hitchcock: Grant & Saint finally ready to jump in the sack in the sleeper compartment on the train and the last shot is that long train entering the tunnel. 🤣 Similarly, Grant & Grace Kelly in Hitchcock's "To Catch A Thief" have another suggestive, risque scene on the couch about to embrace and the camera tilts upward to the large window and with the actors no longer in the frame, but instead, fireworks!

Player #47587792
Player #4170317, No, Gutzom Borglum did Mt Rushmore, Crazy Horse was started in 1948 by Polish carver Korczak Ziolkowski and his family is continuing after he died.

Player #47587792
Montana Lady, I90 wasn't constructed in SD till the 1970s so there was no interstate in 60s or in this movie.

like northwest from gravity falls ?

Player JD
Player #35809641, everybody hates something now don't they

Player #35809641
The sculptures on mount rushmore are a defacement on a sacred, Lakota mountain

Hitchcock was one of the best directors of all time. North by Northwest was one of his best movies. He typically had cary Grant or James Stewart as stars in his movies. Women found it difficult to work with Hitchcock. It sounds like he engaged in a bit of sexual harassment.

Player #27551747
LovingYogi97, 14 years with 400 men.

The “good guys” always win!

Player #18996322
WolfCounsel621, your saying I got a hit on me from back north ? just tell me who

he had a thing for blondes. learned that from watching TCM.

Player #16534313
Montana Lady, same

Player #10690778
Sturgis rally, ahh luv it

Player Shakukoko
North by Northwest is my favorite Hitchcock movie.

Favorite Hitchcock film of all time!

I hope to see the movie someday read about it sounds wonderful