In which country is the annual festival Oktoberfest held?
Correct answer: Germany

toothless beachrat
The Oktoberfest that used to be held at Alpine Village in Torrance, CA, was an annual "don't miss it" event. Oompah -pa bands, chicken dance, beer stein (full) contests etc. plus excellent beers and pretty good food made for a night of fun. I had a friend who worked at the door, so I didn't have to pay for entry for about 20 years. Unfortunately Alpine Village closed several years ago.
Will go on a trip to Germany next October.

OMG !! So much fun
Watching the pop everyone enjoying themselves
I've been to the ones in Germany

little b, then you missed a lot.i went to Germany in 1961 and returned to Ireland when I went into pension. I love Germany & the people. My Sohn is still there & my beautiful Daughter inl law.

Kat, In 1977, while stationed TDY (USAF)I had the opportunity to experience this festival, It was held in a small village way up in the mountains of Trier Germany.

Actually it's celebrated in many countries but did originate in Germany.

I would love to attend this event!

little b
I've not been to Germany

I thought it was china. Tells ya how much I know lol.’