Di manakah desa yang tidak memiliki jalan berada?

Jawaban yang benar: Belanda

Cobalah game trivia terbaik

Apa pendapat orang: 10 Comments
Player #49140450
Player #49140450
semoga bisa kesana, bersama istri tercinta dan anak2 aamiin...
Belanda kota yang indah
Faik Ramadhan
Faik Ramadhan
jalan kapal kecil ada itu
Luo Yi
Luo Yi
Thanks to its beautiful environment, Giethoorn Village finally became known to the world, especially after its green and beautiful scenery appeared in the film 'Fanfare' made by Bert Haanstra in 1958. Since then, Giethoorn began to be known by the outside world and began to be visited by many tourists until it was finally designated as one of the tourist destinations in the Netherlands. The uniqueness of this village is not only about the beautiful environment and the architecture of the ancient house buildings. But what is most surprising is that, unlike other residential areas, Giethoorn has absolutely no roads.
R E S T U  Tzy.
R E S T U Tzy.
Cuma ngasal tpi bener
mr satir
mr satir
pada jalan kaki sehat selalu
Abdul halim
Abdul halim
Kareena Kapoor, sama aku juga
Reza sholeh ganteng
Reza sholeh ganteng
kapan ya bisa kesana 😍 segitu asri, adem dan betah rasanya kalo tinggal sana.
Kamal Fitri
Kamal Fitri
Luar biasa...
Kareena Kapoor
Kareena Kapoor
Aku tau karena pernah ditayangin di TV