Polimer este denumirea științifică pentru ce material?
Răspuns corect: Plastic

Nicu Vasy
Life in plastic is fantastic

Polimerii sunt utilizati peste tot acum, inclusiv in alimentatie. Se gasesc si in forma lichida.
Mi-a placut intrebarea.

Katherine Song Covey
That's why I really didn't know. I thought it was wood as I saw. But if I didn't read the statement what to do with it, that's ,,,Haste spoils the job'' that's how it is for those who rush and lose those points, either in the competition, or at school tests. My name is Irene Saena Kim and I have a 12-year-old sister, but I'm 5 years older than her, you can already tell. I am from South Korea. I like to watch Anime. Goodbye!

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