What is the highest rank of coal?

Correct answer: Anthracite

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What people think about it: 26 Comments
all my father's side of the family were coal miners from arigna in ireland they were very tough strong people
Player Elf Counsel
Player Elf Counsel
gillie, My grandfather was a coal miner in the Rhondda Valley in Wales. He had his hands crushed between the buffers of a dram. Dangerous work.
I'm Frosty
I'm Frosty
Keek, my mother was from coal country & my grandfather was a coal miner..
Player Gigi #28446253
Player Gigi #28446253
Player #9442102, We had a coal burning furnace in Seattle when I was growing up. Coal was delivered and put down a chute into the basement. My grandmother had to go outside and down to the basement to start the furnace every morning. I remember her cutting kindling to get the fire started. She was amazing!
Chicago in the 40's and 50's had mostly coal heat. There was a lot of dust on everything and a lot of, er, "stuff" in my nose all the time. I didn't realize until I grew up that it wasn't normal to have such a yucky nose!
Player #9442102
Player #9442102
Player #10381263 ber, For many years , we had a coal burning furnace. If my Dad didn't get up early and add coal, it was a cold start to the day!!Brrrr!
Captain Grumpy
Captain Grumpy
Player Elf Counsel, Welsh coal powered British industry, railways and sea power!!
Player #21374632
Player #21374632
Player #9442102, i was raised in a cotton hill, textile village and we had coal heaters too. we had a large wooden box outside called a coal bin. i use to hide behind it when the country Doctor came by to give shots and medicine to our large family of 11, 9 children, mon,dad.haha, good ole da
Player #2286260
Player #2286260
Pop, i think i have the black lung.
Player #3532789
Player #3532789
gillie, What part of Ireland is Arigna located? Turf cutting, I have heard of in Ireland but not coal mining.
Mined in Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Durham, Northumberland and Kent in England up until the 1980s.
Top Cat
Top Cat
My old stopping grounds born in Luzerne County. Both Grandfather's worked in coal mines, we had coal bins and coal stoves and furnaces.
Player #9442102, same for us in MA
gillie, my father and his father were coal miners on nova scotia
Coal for Minecraft players, respect+
I dident even no, there was so meny coals. ?.
Player Gigi #28446253, I reckon the basement would be a pretty dirty place with all that coal down there! lol
Player #2985898
Player #2985898
Origmong, And it would be?
I Know the correct answer from my university lessons. 😁
Player #3532789
Player #3532789
Origmong, ok where?
Origmong, could it be Australia
Montana Lady
Montana Lady
dollis1963, diamonds are pure carbon, they don't actually come from coal (despite what superman movies show you)... coal contains a lot of minerals other than carbon.
Cossie84 :)
Cossie84 :)
Origmong, That would be Wales
Got it wrong. Never worked in a coal mine.
Player #1091157
Player #1091157
Keek, Russia?
There is another country with high grade anthracite in massive reserves not mentioned here.