Who is this woman, and what happened to her?
Correct answer: Ann Hodges, first comfirmed victim of a meteorite strike

Wow, just crazy!

Player #4566464
First person ever? Or first reported incidence? Earth is pretty old...

God Will Make you move if you don't listen The first time!

Just the last place you'd expect that.

when I lived in Ft. Lauderdale, Fl, I remember hearing that a bale of marijuana fell through the roof of a mobile home....talk about being in the right place at the right time!

Like trailer parks and tornados.

PeriwinklePeep, she always carried an umbrella after that. and stayed away from radios

Did she have any permanent injuries?

Her husband: See? I told you to come to bed.

now THAT'S a bad day!

Player #73957527
Player #120374466, don't the majority burn up in our atmosphere

Shoo I better get off the couch

Player #120374466
Player #35053364, Wow, you had a good attention span and memory! When I was a kid I wasn't interesting in game shows.

Player #120374466
joannabanana719, I'd rather have a sack of money fall through my roof. 😊

Player #120374466
I'm glad she wasn't killed. Considering how many of these rocks that fly into our atmosphere, it's amazing how little damage they do.

The roof of her house is what saved her, it slowed the rock down, I think, good thing it didn’t hit her head,

henny penny was right, ask Ann hodges

Player #25115894
Well I hope after all that she got to keep the meteorite! That's really valuable.

I recognized the pic from an article I read years ago...

Bridget McClellan
Nujula, Yep it sure will .

Player #35053364
She survived the meteor. Back in the day there was a game show "I've Got A Secret". She was the guest. I was about 6 & was peeking around the corner instead of being in bed. I saw her describe the incident. I was so frightened I had nightmares for weeks. The adults didn't know I'd seen the show & were dumbfounded.

What is the chance of that happening?

Player #32724058
Sylacauga Alabama is my home town!

Holy cow!!

Player dwelsh113
Player #22877131, a rude awakening....

Holy cow!!

Player #22877131
what a way to wake up!

There was a recent episode of 9-1-1 that was based on this.

yet another subject to research! love this ❤️

ZyggyStardust, I remember that. had me thinking this was the end.

Player #23043108
It would be useful to know whether or not she died within the response.

Xalver, probably first recording

Player #9921705, yes she survived.

Player #9921705
did she live?