The legendary Gunfight at the O. K. Corral took place in what town?
Correct answer: Tombstone, Arizona

how was Billy Clanton both killed and alive to flee??

Loved Val Kilmee as Doc Holliday..."I'll be your huckleberry"

One of my favorite movies of all time!

Kurt Russell aka "GO-GO" Was the best actor that played Earp. "Tell em I'm coming and hell's coming with me Hells coming with me "

Montana Lady
My grandfather lived near Tombstone, it's a giant tourist trap. Unless you want to replace the image in your mind, with one of poorly dressed mannequins with bad wigs pretending to shoot each other inside the O.K. Corral.... don't visit.

Doc Holliday once had a dentist office in my hometown of Denison, Texas.

Montana Lady, You are correct but originally if I remember correctly it was a mining town that as the mine shut down they only had the fight to attract what was then America's fascination with the wild west and as such it did manage to give new life to what would have become a ghost town if not for said tourist trap. 😎

Red Rebel
Montana Lady, live 10 min from Tombstone and maybe your visit was long ago. Your description is degrading and off.

chica..., luckily I met Val Kilmer in person. I even asked him out. he's a very handsome man in person and a great actor!

My name is BOBBY!!!!
I've been to Tombstone, Arizona very interesting!

No one was a hero in spite of how they were told
No one knows what really happened unless involved

joe4jesus, Me too!!

Montana Lady, I also saw and heard that Tombstone is Haunted! Is this accurate??

Cat Mom
I've never been a big Kurt Russell fan. Mostly because he never would marry Goldie Hahn & let her embarrass herself on national TV! But Val Kilmer was so adorably handsome, esp as Jim Morrison!

Cat Mom
IrksomeTornado45678, he was very hot! Did he say yes? lol

Cat Mom
Duh, the name of the best movie is Tombstone!

Cat Mom
quicksilver, my exact question! He must just have died later

quicksilver, im assuming he meant Ike Clanton was unarmed and fled

in the extended version of the movie tombstone, the special features has the newspaper article about the incident. I was surprised to see that the exchange between sheriff Biehn and Wyatt Earp after the gunfight really did take place. not verbatim but pretty close.
Biehn: "Alright, you're all under arrest!"
Earp: "I don't think I'll let you arrest us today Biehn."

quicksilver, Ike Clanton fled

Player #120374466
According to a newspaper article years back, Wyatt Earp later moved to San Diego,California and got into the real estate business.

There’s so much more to this story. They never mention the controversy from family members of the McLaurys and the Clantons. Doc Holiday, prior to the gunfight, claimed that they had killed “Pa Clanton”, and that they would kill the rest of them. Wild West magazine had a great article about 30 years ago that was very interesting and informative.

Huckle barer. The handles on a casket were called a huckle at that time

quicksilver, Good question. You're an attentive reader.

quicksilver, I think they meant Ike Clinton. He did much later.

Player #54945457, Forty made you the old man then. No antibiotics... there's an entire family, 2 little girls, with marble statues interred across the path from my family plot in Little Rock, AR. They all passed within two months of each other of strep throat. In 1912. I had trouble getting my head around that,as a little girl. Made me thankful for my meds when I got sick!

WiseAdmiral46308, Agreed:) Great casting all around, who was the actor who played the head of the cowboys, though? He was a tour de force.

Lumberjax47, Kilmer was the best Doc Holliday!

IrksomeTornado45678, Did he accept?

quicksilver, I am presuming that he was shot down as he fled…

Player #54945457
Billy Clayton was only 18-19 years old at time of his death, according to Wikipedia. Interesting.

GaelicGal, I loved him in it too!

Player #82003701
quicksilver, I know

Montana Lady, we quite often pop over to Tombstone for lunch.

was there really a town called stinking Springs, Oklahoma?

I lived in Tombstone and still live close by it. Love the town!

quicksilver, lol

quicksilver, Pretty sure they meant to say Ike Clanton fled

would love to go to tombstone Arizona I've never been there i was born & raised in Arizona hope to go to tombstone someday

quicksilver, good pickup!