In which Indian city did Mother Teresa carry out her good works?
Correct answer: Calcutta

Pimpao +
One of Greatest and Kindest Beings of our Century !!

It's a shame their own government don't look after these people. There are plenty of wealthy people in India. Like a lot of these countries they expect foreign aid and selfless foreigners to do this for them.

Watch the Christopher Hitchens documentary on her!

Luanna3353, she had billions in the account.... but none too spare for pain medicines.

Erasmus 79
A 2013 study of her life and work, posted by the University of Montreal, found that she had a "rather dubious way of caring for the sick" and a number of "questionable political contacts." Most troubling was the "suspicious management of the enormous sums of money she received." The study cited "a significant lack of hygiene, ... unfit conditions, [and] a shortage of actual care, inadequate food, and no painkillers" at her more than 500 missions across the world at the time of her death. Apparently, God only delights in poor people's pain.
Propagating the myth of Mother Teresa as a benevolent saint doesn't alleviate that pain, but rather only serves to create more of it. She should be remembered for what she really was: one of a number of respected historical figures who were actually terrible people.

Player Robdogpigbin
i wouldnt have liked to be on the receiving end of her "care" no pain relief for a start.

Set womens rights in India back to the dark ages. A morally corrupt and repugent champion of the extremes of catholicism.

In 1993 I went to India to do voluntary work and at one stage I thought of working for one of mother Teresa's orphanages in Delhi. I can't begin to tell you how bad this place was. New born and toddlers in individual cribs, stacked next to each other ( approx 80 in the room) in dirty clothes, and standing on the edge of the cribs, with their arms extended, crying out for attention. She had handful of young uneducated country girls looking after these poor babies, these young girls had no clues on how to look after them. There were no toys and they never left their cribs. It was too depressing. I ended up going down to Madras, instead,now Channi and working at the YWCA with women and young girls who had been abused. The organisation was more civilised and humane.

Player #2456261
She was a monster. Read "Missionary position" by Christopher Hitchens.

Controversial to say they were good works. She allowed immense suffering.

By mistake push finger

Mother Theresa was a monster. Ill-gotten fame. She treated her “patients” horrifically. The donations to her “society” were from shady sources. Mother Theresa’s good deeds for the dying is a myth.

Erasmus 79, yes like these prosperity preachers they only in it for money . not to do the will of Christ.

The correct spelling of culctta is ( Kolkata)

Player #52565397
Anand, all used for converting poor people. This is called charity

Player #52565397
Classic missionary work in the name of humanity

elena58th, Her service was neither selfless nor charity...she did it for conversion of innocent & poor people to christianity.

Holly Rose
Blacktulip23, I learned from some very educated nuns that suffering was how we repented for our sins. After 6 months in a convent I freed myself from that thinking, but still worshiped at a Cathilic church. Now I did not attend, am a reiki practitioner and physic medium. my views are more enlightened, but do not feel any animosity nor regret for the teachings of other religions except when they demean others.

Soooo glad there are some people here that don't actually believe she was a saint.. they must be the type of humans that believe what the news tells them to.

One great woman I seen in my life

Player #22062317
Read once very beautiful and from a family of wealth????

I think she was canonised at the same time as Pope John Paul 2, two people who were worshipped by the rest of us plebs.

elena58th, so true

Player #4814726
she also scored very highly on the psychopath charts!!

Player #11892151
yes all for the people like the present day Donald Trump,yes yes yes.

( Snail Darter)
elena58th, You’re a little naive, the country’s caste system includes their Gov’t, too.....

She was a selfless woman that did more for the poor than most others can only imagine. My issue is with the Catholic Church's position on birth control. If you want to help poor people, don't be surprised when they keep producing more poor people.

Current name of the city is Kolkata.

Player #3772077
Xalver, apparently neither are you. Ever heard the term devil's advocate? It's used in the canonization process. Get educated!

Player #3772077
Player #2893684,
Boy, are you wrong.

I just answered this question 30 min. ago. 😬