What major culture used the binding of women's feet as a symbol of beauty?
Correct answer: China

Terrible. I think that is the only photo of a bound foot I have ever seen. I am flexing my undamaged feet and toes as I write!

Subjucation of women. Your woman can literally cannot walk away from you.

Disgusted with this horrible inhumane thing they did to Women!!!!:(

has 2 b horribly painful-so sad 2 b considered beautiful by any1

Laudy Miss Claudy
In the 1970's when I was in nursing school in
San Francisco I worked as a nurse's aide at Chinese Hospital in Chinatown. My patient was a pleasant little old lady. The RN told me to help her get dressed and to put her shoes on. To my utter amazement the white leather shoes were On one occasion my patient was a the size of a three year olds and the little old lady's feet were contorted and deformed. The shoes fit just fine...but with such tiny feet my patient couldn't walk.

Montana Lady
dollis1963, there's a BIG difference between high heels and breaking your child's toes and feet repeatedly.

Yet another example of how ignorant and moronic humans can be in the name of vanity... even worse, they impose it on the youth who are too young to understand or oppose it...

From watching Marco polo. Can't believe looking at ugly deformed feet was worth torturing children for.

Interesting fact and i think common knowledge. But breast ironing? Looked it up. How absolutely disgusting! Child abusive. simple as that.

Bizarre how status and culture affects us humans.

The answers to this question are not correctly set since this practice was also used in Japan by the Geishas. Hence, there are 2 correct answers.

Yet another atrocity forced upon women by men, along with FGM, elongation of necks by wearing mental rings, child bides giving birth that ruin (if it doesn't kill) them forever. And for what???

Lizzi, I've seen pictures of x rays of women who's feet have been binded, horribly disfigured

Mars V
When they realized it didn’t work, why did they continue?

I read recently that they actually broke babies’ feet and folded them over before binding them tightly. Barbaric and hideous

In the movie, “The Inn of the Sixth Happiness” with Ingrid Bergman, she plays a British missionary in China and has to deal with this problem.

I read that the skin and toenails would often start to decompose, which made them smell awful.

Laudy Miss Claudy, it’s just wicked, just another male induced idea against women for their perverse ideals!

'lotus feet'

These inhumane practices seem to mostly be done to women like FGM which is female genital mutilation practiced in some African countries to keep women "pure" until marriage. I'm not aware of similar, life changing mutilations done to men.

I have seen Chinese women trotting around in tiny shoes when I was a school kid. But these were old women of 60 to 80 years. I have never seen one since 1968.

Japan also practiced foot binding. need to rewrite the answer choices

Nothing short of child abuse.
Hideous, barbaric child abuse. The perpetrators should be rewarded with someone three or four times their size doing exactly the same to them!
Where do some humans get the idea that they have the right to do this to another?

Player #46686967
I saw Gladys Aylward once, with some of her Chinese adopted daughters. We were at a rally in the '60s for Methodist Youth Clubs at the Albert Hall in London and she was the guest of honour. I can still vividly remember the awe we all felt on seeing her. You could see why they called her 'The Small Woman'! She was amazing. When she stepped out on to the stage, everyone stood up!

In some cultures (Burma?), they elongate the neck by clasping rings around it from childhood for young girls. Their crane like neck is supposed to be some perverse sense of beauty. It causes lifelong disfigurement and the neck snaps if the rings are removed. Hmmm

I'm so glad that Chinese authorities put a ban on this awful practice.

Player #45505475
Read a detailed book about this. Just as awful as you can imagine

Where was the beauty in it?

Player #37866718
I’m sure it was a man that first had them do that just like it was a man that designed stilettos

Player Lady Nana
Hot topic...I believe that we were born beautiful as the way God intended and I see no reason to change his perfection!

demonic nation

Fun guy
and crushing ribs into a corset is better ? 4 inch heels & twisted ankles ? 20 min of makeup before you're presentable ? believe me, most men don't need you to do this..

Player #2512936
FrouFrouQuail20037, Yulin is in Russisch!

Player #21392080
that's china for you

Player #25874027
Davy, Livingston,
And men with large calves in their fields were desirable too.

Player #25874027
It always amazes me that although people are justifiably horrified by FGM, universal Jewish circumcision is never mentioned.
People will say it’s a religious thing .
OK , but if God put it there who are you to take it away?

it's good that it stop happening now

Player #10639782
totally cruel

I'm waiting for that TV show about ancient aliens to blame it on them - tiny feet you can't walk on couldn't be a human concept.

Lizzi, me too