What was the name given to the teachers that were sent to the Philippines in 1901?
Correct answer: Thomasites

I didn’t know this, good to know something about my native land.

paige127, I didn't either. I'm a USA citizen of almost 70. Amazing what we don't learn in school.

As an American expat living in the Philippines and married to a Filipino, I must point out that the so-called “public education” established by Spain was extremely exclusive and available only to those who supported the Spanish regime. It was by no means public, as in available to any who wanted an education.

Calabtangan' Boyoyong
one of the legacies of colonial America, i remember older people had that american accent.

MikeCVD, I am 73 & have never heard of this. U R right-the things we were NOT taught in schools in the USA!

Roman Rapidus, @ I remembered my old folks was good in english American accents

And what what the real reason USA did this?

Roman Rapidus
paige127, english makes it harder to understand

SQinfoNUTS, The article reads that they were sent by the United States.

from what country did these people leave? who thought of this idea?