In the film Star Wars, who says, "Your eyes can deceive you. Don't trust them"?
Correct answer: Obi-Wan Kenobi

May the force be with you!

Obi-wan Kenobi said this quote after the attack on the sand-crawler, referring to the fact that it was attacked by storm troopers as opposed to sand people because he knew that sand people move in single file to hide their numbers. He was saying stay alert and observe carefully, he was not saying rely on your fleeting changeable emotions. Deep inner wisdom and knowing that is often referred to in Star Wars is different to our every day emotional responses and is a good thing to cultivate! May the force be with us all!

cgsfhzf, completely agree... and the original quote from Obi-wan was about staying alert and observant. Quite the reverse of the psycho babble in this answer!

The Force is with us always, from Yoda to Obi Wan the lessons that we learn make us who we are and allow us to live meaningful and fulfilling lives thus making us more atune to those around us and their emotive state. The Force is selfless and should be used for good not evil and if all else fails use your lightsaber, it’s not as random or clumsy as a blaster!!! 🤣😂❤️

Since I haven't been to see any movies in about 30 years, I miss a lot of this type of questions. Never have rented any movies either. Guess I just find other things to do. I am amazed at the knowledge that some of you have though.

may #3 apply to all of us

Player #96919, I agree!

cgsfhzf, I agree

Player #96919
cgsfhzf, cobblers!!!!!!!