Which famous Monarch was found buried under a parking lot?
Correct answer: Richard III, King of England

UK, car park. USA, parking lot. 😉

What is a parking lot? .. A carpark was built over his grave.

We watched his re-internment on the telly, it was really quite lovely to see him being properly laid to rest.

I've been to Leicester and seen the cathedral and his grave 😊

Player #10401797
lostiaz, not likely to be a parking lot in the usa is it ...distinct lack of kings!!!not counting Elvis

Player #146489328
Scott, it's re-interment not reinterment. To be interned is to be held in prison

Player #146489328
It was all down to the amazing efforts by Phillippa Langley and the late John Ashdown-Hill that King Richard's burial place was found and Richard could be given the honourable burial that he deserved.

The English Midlands is very interesting historically. Many battles took place here and interesting castles to visit. I live in the West Midlands and during a general drive around today, passed Warwick Castle, Kenilworth Castle and shopped in Stratford on Avon!

For anyone interested, I would recommend you watch the documentary The King in the Car Park (available on Amazon) before you watch the movie The Lost King.

I love Cumberbatch. Didn’t know he is royalty 😄

Fredrico, so do us yorkshire men

Player #5520662
I live in Leicestershire and recently been to pay my respects in the Leicester cathedral

Player #57529251
Nannad, car park

His grave was under parking space number 3 too.
Richard 3rd had a bad press thanks to the tudors.

Tim Megabrain
monqueen, good for you

come in people car park or parking lot same difference dependant are where you are from... 🙄

Player #8258475
Randall Stone, You think she doesnt know that already dearie *rolls eyes*