Where in the body would you find the Eustachian tube?
Correct answer: The ear

thought it was part of the London underground

I’m Batman
Eustation tube connects inner ear to the oral cavity in the region lay persons refer to as throat. Question is poorly worded and answer that accepts one end of the tube as correct and the other end as incorrect is not accurate.

Guitarfan 5
Era Vulgaris, having been a lead guitarist for 50+ years, I feel your pain. I have 100% hearing loss in my right ear, and 40% in the left. But I still hear that loud BONG when I get one wrong! lol

Actually, the eustatian tube STARTS in the middle ear and exits in the naso- pharynx, so BOTH ear and throat are correct answers. Just saying is all.

The amount of stuff I have in my body grows every time I play this game!

It connects the inner ear to the throat, so there are two correct answers.

I thought the Eustachian tubes (roughly T shaped) help balance the head & therefore the body?

Player #26119831
Era Vulgaris, Love your comment.

White Lily
It only opens into the throat, it is part of the ear.

know this due to frequently getting glue ear

Kiddienurse 84
BraidedLandscape6, agree. Very poorly worded and essentially wrong,as both “ear” and “throat” are correct.

Badly worded, as the Pharynx in general is part of the throat. That's why the Eustachian tube opens at swallowing.

Player #1856199
Era Vulgaris, Where do you do your drumming, bud?

oh yeah!

very interesting!