Where did Joseph Stalin cause a massive famine known as the Holodomor genocide?

Correct answer: Ukraine

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What people think about it: 40 Comments
Stalin was worse than Hitler for the numbers killed but because he helped the Allies defeat the Nazis, he gets "laundered" in our history books.
Player #3263302
Player #3263302
These evil beings rear their ugly heads, people say this should not happen again and yet these atrocities are still happening . These are pure evil in human form 😢
Before WWII Stalin and Hitler made a pact to divide Poland. The USSR effectively stabbed Poland in the back. Hitler may have never bothered to invade Russia and Ukraine, if it hadn’t been for Stalin’s underhanded, evil and tricky dealings. And today Russia is rehabilitating Stalin’s status and worshiping him again as a great historical figure!!! 😡
IllV521, Evil is not strong enough for these two - there should be a word especially for them (& others like them?). I don't know what it would be - maybe our minds just can't go deep enough to find it - I guess that's a good thing. It may not be a Christian thing to say, & it won't help the millions who suffered at their hands, but I hope the demons that took them to their eternity continue to torture them.
( Snail Darter)
( Snail Darter)
CapeBretonFatsTurn1, And Mao’s Cultural Revolution made both Stalin and Hitler appear angelic.
Stories like these need to be told so not be forgotten outside Russia /Ukraine again& again in my opinion.
livesbythesea2020, if a so called democratic socialist who espouses communist "ideals", such as equal distribution of wealth, destroying the Constitution, aspiring to destroy people of another think and promoting ONLY think and speech of their beliefs, such persons are COMMUNISTS. These people want only power in and of their selves and to hell with people who think otherwise. They are a COMMUNIST! Stalin, Hitler and their ilk should be an example of ideas WE DO NOT NEED!
InfiniteQuagga303, how can Churchill be regarded as a dictator? a freely elected member of parliament and prime minister. sometimes the ignorance of people is beyond belief
Stalin has sent families of farmers from Baltic States to Sibiria to dye that he could take their land. Not many survived there. Who did were aload to come back only after his death. Evil man
Player #9984135, Communism and Socialism are not the same thing! Look up the differences!
Player #38618593, No truer statement.
( Snail Darter), Let’s not forget North Korea.
Ukraniac, You're not educated. The Ruskies do not revere Stalin or his regime. He was denounced even back at 1955 when the then Soviet communist convention brought his crimes to light. How about the crimes of the Ukrainian Nazis against the Polish and Jewish populations? How about your current Nazis?
( Snail Darter), or Stalin for that matter.
( Snail Darter), no. Angelic is never a word that can ever be applied to the exploits of Hitler!
Anna Scar
Anna Scar
GruffSecretAgent9936, it is true though. Most European countries teach this. Not only for the number of people killed but also for the fact that they all were killed in months and not a full year. Germany came close due to the fact that they did not only kill Jew but citizens of every country that opposed and fought their occupation. This brought the number of victims of the gas chambers to well over 7 million. Now let us not forget that the gas chambers disguised as showers were first used on disabled people from hospitals and mental health institutions. They targeted homosexuals as well as Roma killing about half a million of the 1.5 million people belonging to that group. They did this over 8 years though and that is why Stalling’s acts were much worse.
sally Eko
sally Eko
Player #3263302, Ukraine is suffering under Russia occupation again. Good hearted people l should support Ukraine to win the war started by Putin.
Ukraniac, it was Hitler who had made the pact with Stalin so he could invade Poland without having to worry about Stalin. While Poland was divided between Russia and Germany, it was Hitler's goal to invade Russia to gain living space for Germany. It was actually Hitler who 'betrayed' Stalin.
Player #55741825
Player #55741825
I think that Stalin and his atrocity of the Ukraine is inherent of Putin as of 2022 he is repeating history,when will this end for humanity,my sympathy is to Ukrainian people who have dealt with the Russian government for far too long in its history as a country in its own right ❤️‍🩹
Ukraniac, today history is repeated by Putin.
Giggle pig, so, you want to kill babies??? Everyone is capable of great acts and everyone is also capable of the most despicable acts, we need to make our own choices, and it is an interesting fact that all these individuals mentioned hated the Bible. Just saying.
Martian, communism is the next “natural” step.
Lorraine4748, total depravity comes to mind,
Giggle pig
Giggle pig
Player #3263302, if only they could isolate the gene that causes people to become these megalomaniacs. We could destroy them at the point of birth and humanity would benefit greatly.
Only thing is if it hadn’t been for Stalin and Russia the so called free world wouldn’t be here today. Cos the yanks and brits would not have defeated Germany without russias major imput
Waldo Lydeker
Waldo Lydeker
Vladimir Putin is continuing Stalin's genocide of the Ukranian people 90 years later. What is it about these people? Going back centuries to Ivan the Terrible, Bolsheviks, Lenin. Is it the borscht?
Putin is now doing the same to Ukraine.
Ukraniac, Yes, Putin is killing Ukrainians again. Evil man.
Many many Ukrainians fled to the Canadian Prairies as a result of this famine. Today, their descendants are forerunners in getting emergency aid to the Ukrainians today and helping those who wish to emigrate to Canada during the atrocities Putin is causing.
ViViy Vie Vie Vou
ViViy Vie Vie Vou
kevin, You were so very right about Putin, the Ukraine is under siege right now! Please pray for them and the future of the world.
It's sad that a man, any man has such power anywhere at any time to do this evil. I'm curious, we have had some real knuckleheads as presidents. Could any of them at any time invoke such evil on the American people? America is far far from a perfect place to live But today even now Puton is ready and waiting to invade another country.
Shelby Johnson
Shelby Johnson
Lorraine4748, They were the "Anti-Christ" in Christianity, the spawn of the devil in many other religions. I believe that those 2 (Stalin & Hitler) were just 2 of the many horrible, sadistic people out there. They just opened the eyes of the world to the hidden atrocities around the globe.
Player #52565397
Player #52565397
Ukraniac, Stalin, Lenin and the so called Russian Revolution was a curse to humanity. If not for these wretched Communists, there wouldn’t have been no Cold War. Stalin and Communist Russia were responsible for millions of deaths. Unfortunately it’s all been whitewashed from history to a large extent.
Player #50531971, I think you mean Ten Days that Shook the World by John Reed.
Player #50531971
Player #50531971
ChoctawCharli, what you describe is fascism. read "ten days heard round the world" if you can still find it. detailed account of how Lenin stole the revolution from the peasants and installed himself as dictator. dictator, centralized power, is the opposite of communism. keep calling it communism to appease people while you enslave them. US gov has used the fear of this pseudo communism ever since to keep power for the wealthy.
Player #50531971
Player #50531971
same in Ireland. people could only keep potatoes. all other crops were taken by the British lords. when the potato blight hit and people were starving the lords still took the other crops.
Panionara Pride3
Panionara Pride3
Another long held propaganda it has been debunked by several researchers, including photographs supposedly taken by a reporter sent by US newspapers then. The most famous of all alleged photos has been agreed even by the initial reporter that it was taken from another country and it was only after several decades said that they needed to stage the documents because they were not allowed to take photos with them.. just look up how the media owned by Hirsch were funding anticommunist propaganda
Player #37986097, why was Winston responsible?
Player #20539761
Player #20539761
ChoctawCharli, 🤡
Player #38618593
Player #38618593
Every generation, every nation, every culture has evil, evil people and it will always be so. Reminder to everyone else: Stay aware, pay attention. Freedom dies when we get complacent or lazy.