What is one the reasons why elephants are one of the most intelligent animals in the world?
Correct answer: Elephants never forget

penelope and the frog
Love elephants. elefantes

when I was 3 or 4 i was quite wild and I was never still, my mother said to me that I'll grow up to be a normal person some day. my answer was:
No because I am an Elephant 🐘.
I have lived elephants since before I could walk, maybe it's part of my heritage since I'm adopted from India, who knows they are amazing animals and so gentle and proud.

Player #81188556
I love those kind of animal. Its take two tango. When you give love. Love will return.

I am from a village called "Elephants mountain".

They are known as gentle giants

Player #33292972
Player #21387757walkalot, absolutely true, if not for humans many species that are instinct now or on the brink of extinction is because of us. We ruin everything, the air, water, outer space. If it’s out there we will ruin it. 😞

they have good memories.

little b
I love 💕 elephants

Puma Girl
I love these magnificent creatures.

like me great memory

Elephants communicate with sensitive foot pads and can sense vibrations from long distances. I have personally experienced a true, gentle back rub from an Elephant in Thailand! Amazing animal!

Sonja, I really don't believe in reincarnation, but if I did I pray I am not a human.

Player #33292972, Unfortunately you are absolutely right! Humans are so inconsiderate, it's really sad. Humans do ruin everything. Poachers should be poached!

Damwic , that is awesome

penelope and the frog, Another absolutely amazing creature that our wonderful Lord God created. I went to the Oregon zoo and I saw an live act. They are so awesome and incredible.

Luv elephants. Have great trained memory in common. I still remember 98% of my life, so many people cannot believe it! It’s not just events but most smallest of, especially last conversations have with people. One thing I hate, people who use elephants or any other animal as a means for travelling, it’s cruelty!

elephants do forget.. it's a proven myth that elephants don't forget

Damwic , maybe in your previous life you where a elephant