Where did Rhett and Scarlett go for their honeymoon in the 1939 film, "Gone With the Wind"?
Correct answer: New Orleans

Bip 1955, isn't it kind of the whole point from Scarlett's POV that it doesn't end at all? "...for tomorrow is another day." (last line)

Bip 1955
I hate the way the story ends!

My favorite movie.

RushMama2112, I only way I got through the sequel was to listen to it on audio books. Dixie Carter narrated. I’ve read GWTW many times since I was 14. The film was when I fell madly in love with Gable. Something that amused my mother no end.

Bip 1955, have you read the sequel (approved by Mitchell's heirs)? It's called Scarlett, came out in the mid 1990s, IIRC. I read it once. It is not bad.

Johnny Guitar 1942
over rated film , hurray and get a copy soon though, see date