Where is Obsidian Cliff?
Correct answer: Yellowstone National Park

Incredible how far the implements made from here have traveled. It speaks of very active trade routes...amazing.

* Seshati *
AutumnalConcrete2, still used surgically today though not often I saw something once that stated that surgical steel on a microscopic level tears yes believe it or not but an obsidian scalpel (for want of a better word) does not the cut is clean & heals better. I guess the Aztecs new a thing or two.

Montana Lady
It's just down the road from where I live :-)

My father was a surgeon. He said obsidian scalpels we’re far superior to metal ones, but rarely made. A much finer, sharper blade.

No mtns in the glades.

Yellowstone is an amazing park. I was lucky enough to see many of different animals that call the park home. Bison, Elk, pronghorn, a bear and even a wolf!

Miss Sue
K9Queen , I saw the most breathtakWeing black wolf in Chelsea, Mi.

anyone who has read about yellowstone and about the geology there knows there's layers of different rocks from the multiple volcanic eruptions and obsidian ofc then makes sense as Yellowstone is a caldera

I find it fascinating that geologist have learned so much about their field of study, that they are able to trace rocks/tools from whence they came.
Keep up the good work & fund your local scientists!!

loco, Oooh! I didn't know this, thanks for sharing!

I knew it wasn't in the Everglades.....

constantgamer0421, you're right. I lived in Florida for many years but when I read the question, I had to visualize each park. Yup, no mountains; just gators and pythons.

EsenMau, they were still people, regardless of how long ago they lived.

Montana Lady, do you know Linda blondeau

inside an was used as the first surgical scalpel, very sharp to say the least.