May Day, as an international workers' celebration, dates back to what 1886 event?
Correct answer: The Haymarket labor riot

in Queensland Australia we celebrate Labour Day on the first Monday in May, striking Shearers held a May Day march in Barcaldine 0n the 1st of May 1891 in remembrance of the massacre and to highlight injustice against Australian Unionists this led to the formation of the Australian Labour Party as the workers own political representation.

I always thought this was a European holiday.

Player #3137305
only in USA. internationally May day is a lot older than that

Linda Reiger
when I was a child growing up in California, we used to make baskets out of construction paper or some other material and fill them with flowers we picked. Then we would leave them on someone's doorstep, knock on the door and run away. We danced around a maypole at school with streamers attached to the top of the pool. It was always a happy occasion.

In America

The Russians have a BIG shindig!

and there is May Day / Beltane, the true start of Summer

Montana Lady, no not at all May day is in May Labor Day is in September different

Montana Lady, you missed my point, I meant why call it May Day when it already exists should have been called something else entirely

Player #19007917
JustBreath, me too! I thought it originated in Russia

I always thought it was celebrating spring..Didnt give it much thought. As children we made baskets with flowers and cookies and left on our nieghbors doorstep.

Dayrell, I knew some of the Mayday story, but I did not know it was anything other than a celebration of spring!
I don't fathom the celebration of acts of brutality and violence as holidays!
Days of Remembrance and Solemnity, like Memorial Day, I understand, but MayDay is a day of celebration, not remembrance!
Like I said earlier, I grew up believing It was a Celebration of arrival of Spring!
New Growth! New Beginnings! New Life!
Not death and destruction!

Player #120374466
Radakyl, In the Soviet Union May Day was to glorify their military prowess. I don't know if Russia carries on the samething these days.

Player #120374466
With so much violence involved from both sides is something I would not want to celebrate !

Again QuizzLand I commend you I was clueless and had to use logic I knew nothing about this event nor it’s origin thanks again

abobo, yes it is about total and absolute control and power making everyone subservient to the ruling class.

Linda Reiger, that's what I remember about mayday and it's being May 1st

Player #38618593
May Day as a happy, nature celebration has been around this world a long time. May Day as a political remembrance is more recent.
Labor Day in the US is different from both of those, and it occurs in September.

Linda Reiger, Same in NE. What happened to that?

FACTCHECKER, that's the correct way to spell it unless you live in U.S.

kimsharkey625. Learning so much. please continue with these types of questions

Montana Lady
luckycatfay, different May Day entirely.... this question is explaining why May 1st is Labor Day (called May Day but a holiday to commemorate workers) in many countries.

May day has been celebrated for centuries how can you call it international