In what year did the catastrophic eruption of Mount Saint Helen occur?
Correct answer: 1980

Player #1437594
I was in Spokane when that happened. It took awhile to know what happened. it was a Sunday but the TV was off. No football. 😊 Our apartment building parking lot was covered with ash. The ash blew clear to parts of Europe. Don't come to Washington State; we'll come to you.

Just north of us here in Portland, OR. The ash fallout was inches thick and looked like grey snow. Took forever to get rid of!

I can see her from my back window!

Player #60803
We here in Regina, Saskatchewan woke up to a coating of volcanic ash covering everything! Amazing when you think of how far away that volcano is!!!

Player #3772077
Player #3307187, I have a case made from the compressed ash.

nimblemoon, I was in Seattle and we even got lots of ash that far north.

Player #3307187
I still have a bottle of the ash collected in CO

there were figurines made from the ash. I bought one at Multnomah falls

matizimo, I have a vase made from the ash it's beautiful

Montana Lady
Wait until Yellowstone blows, it's a supervolcano.... some estimates say the ash will cover the entire US all the way to Florida.

Excuse the Kuz
I was in Langley BC when it blew. Everyone said they heard it. The whole neighborhood was a buzz. It happened on a weekend and in the morning, so as a teenager, I was sleeping and missed it. I do remember going out the night before and really ripping it up...

Cat Cha
Reminds me of Jimmy Carter. Replanted trees in that area were used for Habitat homes in Michigan and Ontario in 2005. allegedly.

Player #130998363
Came out of a bowling alley in Oklahoma City and saw the ash everywhere

Player #118063961
I had a Christmas ornament made from the ash. It was beautiful

Mars V
DisasterP2, I don’t know where Heron Lake is, but we got covered with a thick layer in NW Portland. I had it in my eyes, my nose, my teeth, and throat.

I think the earthquake caused the eruption which caused the avalanche.

matizimo, we were covered in Southern Alberta!

I grew up in Seattle. In 1980, I lived 40 miles north. I had no ash. The pictures of the bare trees laid down blew me away.

Player #26982694
Player #1437594, I was at Fairchild Afb in Spokane. I got so dark we couldn't see 2 feet in front of us. They told us not to go outside until they knew what was in the ash. I still have a jar full of the ash.

Player #88442286
That's a good ideal

We got ash in central Texas as well.

Player #3307187, me, too. my mom said their cows looked like statues.

WalksBySelf, neither. the landslide was caused by an earthquake as the magma made it's way up.

nothing compared to mt pinatubo in the Philippines

I was stationed at McChord AFB in Tacoma, WA when this happened. It was horrible.

I remember that day. Knowing how many people lost their lives. I lived in Port Coquitlam in British Columbia and the ash spread far north. A sad day 😞

Montana Lady, if yellowstone blew, ash would be the least of our problems...

Player #1437594, The following summer we took a volcanic vacation exploring the many dormant volcanoes in Northern California, Oregon and then Mt. Saint Helens. We were in the mountains several miles from the volcanic area, rounded a curve and and came upon the fallen trees and ash. It was so startling that we came to a sudden halt. The site took our breath away and it took several moments to realise we needed to get going. The power of the volcano flattened everything. The WA road service had cleared the roads of ash and debris, great job, so we had no problem getting to the visitor centre. Five or six years later we made another visit. The hills were in bloom with wild flowers and a green carpet was everywhere. Unique experience.

Holly Rose
I flew over it 4 years ago. incredible sight to behold.

Jeannie 393
Apple ranchers were worried about the ash and sure enough, the next crop produced apples so big that they didn't fit in the pre-made boxes.

Wait a minute. The debris avalanche caused the eruption? The other way round, surely

I remember it well. I was in bed with my second child. We lived just across the border in BC. Being a quiet Sunday morning, we heard the explosion. We didn't get too much ash but it was everywhere

Player #21374632
Montana Lady, OMG Yellowstone would be a nightmare and big game changer for all times,

Birdiemom, weather comes from the west, going east, generally. Northern California was lucky just that once.

Player #3138816
Montana Lady, hope it's not anytime soon

Player #24197203
Player #1437594, the ash covered cars etc in England!

LaughingEnt10614, I was in Inverclyde, and remember the beautiful sunsets which lasted for weeks as the ash was blown over the Atlantic, such a shame that people died in the region of the eruption though.

Player #20136064
Player #3307187, I also have one from Montana

I remember it raining Ash! It was unreal

my mom h