When were larger denominations of U.S. bills officially withdrawn from circulation?
Correct answer: 1969

right now I would consider it a blessing if I had a $20.

when I was little, around 7 I guess, my mom and dad let us hold a 500 and a 1,000 dollar bill before putting them into a bank acct. it was from a $10,000 inheritance. we got to hold it in our hands, each one of us.

$2 were disliked do to the fact that a true lady would not be seen with them. A $2 bill was given to upstairs girls, according to my grandmother who was born in 15 I saw a $5000 at work years ago a customer always carried it in his wallet. I actually got to hold it that was cool. p.s. I like $2 bills. so do my kids

KookyOrangutan5005, when I was in grade school we ran on a field trip to a Bank. the president of the Bank allowed me to hold a $100,000 bill for everyone to see. what a thrill.

Helenes70, i have about 10 $2 bills... when they cross my path a get them. My bank carries 10 at a time or i can order them for christmas gifts... boring story i know...lol

I have a $5000 note in my collection

Stacylyn Solomon
i remember only seeing the $500.00/$1,000.00 dollar bill back in some where in the 70's

Most people don't even know the Federal Reserve is not a government agency. It is a Private Bank that has never been audited as are every central bank in western civilization. Presidential Exec Order 111111 attempted to eliminate the Fed in 1963 and have US Currency issued by the Treasury, which is a govt agency, and got the author of said Exec Order uh, liquidated.

I had no idea that these bills were ever made. Although, I did think that banks might have thousand dollar bills for larger transactions prior to the days of credit cards.

It’s so frustrating that one would be accused of “money laundering” or “drug dealing” if larger bills were used in transactions today. 1984 much?

Wade, Trinkets, beads, precious stones. Perhaps bartering too.

I actually had the foresight to save my $500, $1,000, and $5,000 bills. They are a remarkable piece of American history and still worth their face value in lawful money.

I remember when President Nixon ended the printing of the very large bills as a way to make illegal financial transactions much more difficult.

bonnie sue
Wade, they traded stuff. it's called bartering

Curt, thank you. I am glad you countered that particular bit of misinformation!!

Player #120374466
KookyOrangutan5005, A historical moment!

Interesting question.. I had no idea! I wonder how money came into existence anyway.. How did humans buy things before money came along?

Mars V
Helenes70, due, not do

When paying cash for a tractor, I wished there were larger denominations that $100.

flowercat0523, funny how life changes you that way. in hs and college in the 80s my parents often slipped me a $20 or 2. now, as a married woman of almost 59 with a mortgage, car payment, …. i go nuts when i find an extra $1 or 2 i didn’t know i had!

I have a full uncut sheet of 1.00 bills .there are 32 bills all legal tender with serial numbers. each bill is designated where its at in the sheet when printed

Smitty, we have them here at Oaklawn Raceway park, Hot Springs Arkansas

KookyOrangutan5005, me as well lol, this was in the late 70's for me, I got to hold a thousand dollar bill, I was amazed lol

Giggle pig
“Mr Burns, I think we can trust the President of Cuba.” (Mr. Burns hands the trillion dollar bill to Fidel. A moment passes). Okay, give it back. Fidel: “give what back?” The Simpsons

Since a $100 back in 1969 may have had the purchasing power of $500 today, perhaps larger denomination bills will return.

Helenes70, they are often found at racetracks where many tickets are sold for $2.

GaryOfTheUS, The Fed is not a Private Bank. It is a quasi-governmental agency. The Federal Reserve Board of Governors is located in Washington DC. The chairman and governors are nominated by the president, and confirmed by Congress. The twelve District Banks (and branches) operate independently with nothing more than oversight by the Board of Governors. They are funded annually by the US Treasury, but are charged with breaking even and returning the funding to the Treasury at the end of each year.

Helenes70, I have a few of them; my Pastor likes to give them to the kids!

Helenes70, love and carry $2 bills...

My mom always kept a two dollar bill in her wallet for luck. When I was a kid in the 1970s I desperately wanted to get a popsicle from the ice cream man and I stole my mom‘s lucky two dollar bill. She was so upset, and I felt so badly for years. When she died in the 1990s we were going through her things and found another two dollar bill in her wallet. I still have that two dollar bill today. Is the old style, before they made a change with the photo of the signing of the declaration in the back.

That is crazy! I never knew there were bills that big!!!

Player #40275727
I have an original $2.00 bill the one without the declaration of independence on the back, also a $5.00 gold certificate bill.

Flip Holmes 5569
KookyOrangutan5005, I sold a $500.00 bill about 6 or 7 years ago for $825.00.

Orville Parker Gildock
They are going to have to reissue them so we can pay our electric bills and rent/mortgages! lol

Samuel Elrod
Helenes70, yes, it's a remarkable bill.

Player #33163756
I was told the two dollar bill was made for the race track because a minimum bet was $2.

Player #29793410
I got to see a $100,000 bill at an ANA show in Denver, pretty cool.

Player Blue by Choice
Smitty, when Clemson came to FL to play football, the fans brought $2 bills stamped with a paw print. They used them in tipping people. 😁