What is the chemical symbol for gold?
Correct answer: Au

The answer is mostly wrong. Silver, gold and platinum are "noble" because they do not react easily with other elements. Unlike most metals that are much more reactive. Some gases are also described as noble for the same reason.

Player #19719147
They are "noble" metals because they resist oxidation and corrosion. Not because they're "pretty". Don't be fooled by the answer text.

Got this one thanks to a Bond film: Goldfinger's given name is Auric.

lisamc6966, they are all various amalgams. Copper makes gold a rose color. silver or platinum make it paler "white".
And so on

whitefalcon6266t, actually it's karat. Carat is for weighing gemstones

I work in a gold and copper mine in Australia

I remember gold from teacher saying h(a)y (u) dont steal my gold...lol

AmicableStarfish6000, I am so glad someone corrected the misinformation. They REALLY got it wrong this time. Thank you.

Player Elf Council
Flanker814, Helps to know a bit of Latin and Greek sometimes and not have to learn from films and TV.

We Indians are crazy about gold. Every family has some gold stashed as heirloom or from wedding or any of our festivals. Collectively, india probably has the largest gold stashed aside from the government reserves. Diwali festival - gold is a must buy.

Calabtangan' Boyoyong
Gary_Melbourne, this should be tge reasobmn why abbrev as Au

Fun guy
Ag: silver, Pt: platinum- they could have explained the reason for the symbol...

Player #25874027
Player #18011402,
Should of is not a phrase, should have used should have instead

Gold: Latin, Aurum
Ag+ is aurous and Ag3+ is aurric. Depending on valency. Interesting, right?

Yash Khanna
I thought that it was gd or go

Disregard my comment. My Auto-correct made a fool of me; it was not correct at all.

Big Blue Narwhal, You're I information is good, but your spelling makes this word nerd cringe.

so how is white gold different? And all the other colored ones?

Player #574128, I like that. nice