As a species, cockroaches are thought to have been around for approximately how many years?
Correct answer: 320 million
They're stubborn to get rid of.
The ultimate survivor
Rebeca hernandez
I saw one roach in my apartment it was one of the big ones I hate them so much they give me the creeps
Player #5394265
Player #326446, Mix the boric acid in equal amounts w/sugar & diatemiceus earth
Mimi3748, yeah, as a northern person, I kind of chuckled at the name Palmetto Bug when I first saw one. Hey, a rose is a rose, lol
Player #3237756
OMG ...i do so hate them
one of the few species that will survive any nuclear catastrophic actions
Player #5394265, for acid is sold as borax in USA comes from death Valley.
penawareof, indeed they are😁
Player #97184361
ryechewarre, Maybe. The largest ones are found in the Caribbean island of Trinidad and Tobago. ! !
Well, cockroaches can't survive everything, but water bears (tardigrades) can.
1Horselady, Not for me it didn't.
smarty pants
l used to have a cat that would chase after them and eat them.
Resilient insects
Ray Mission
Centenarian, Cockroaches And Cher...
frank, 😲
penawareof, Yes😡
Old Fool
Purple Kitty, They will have to compete with all other land based animals of similar or lesser mass and lots of marine animals of higher mass.
The smaller and animals mass, or greater their protection from radiation (e.g. denser the surrounding area) the less damage they receive from a nuckear blast.
Player #25874027
Player Elf Counsel,
You should have provided slippers
Player #25874027
Purple Kitty,
Some of them already have
Great to know about that .
cockroaches are so disgusting.
Player #5394265
Player #326446, Mix equal amounts w/sugar & diatomaceous earth (the gardening version-not for the swimming pool)it breaks down their exoskeleton-they take it to the queen- everyone dies.To coin a phrase "resistance is futal
Player #9661418
Gary, Very poorly said. You mean, "immeasurable" have a lot of verbiage that says nothing. Don't try to sound intelligent because it's not working for you.
Player #7719043, who gives a frip. Lighten up!
Player #2056809
Player #326446, that's right
ryechewarre, not so sure about roaches
2gameORnot2game4mE, it's a f. n. roach and also related to those crustaceans we love to eat
Player Elf Counsel
Rebeca hernandez, We have huge ones here in Queensland. Had one run up my leg once. It had really cold feet. Hate them.
Player #117537
Mimi3748, same thing in Florida
they make great pets
Ignazia11, did you find that out!