A five finger exercise is a piece of music written for the purpose of practicing on what instrument?
Correct answer: Piano

I would love to learn piano,always wanted to. Trouble is,im a proctastinater,im now 57 and still cant play!

FreezingAcolyte89399, its never too late ! My gran learned washboard at 89 & played in Jazz Fests all overUSA for decade :))

A five finger exercise sounds like shoplifting.😂

FreezingAcolyte89399, took six years of piano lessons.and still love toplay...the old saying about soothing the savage nreast holds true after 60 yrars of life! Its never too late to try.

It is so wondeeful that so many are encouraging a fellow player. It warms my heart to see that happening.

I have been playing the piano for roughly 46 years. I was basically self taught, with my 8th grade music teacher showing me where Middle C was on the piano and where on the Grand Staff it was notated and I took it from there. I found that the Hanon Exercises were indispensable in acquiring strength, dexterity, and perfect evenness of the fingers. (Well, as close to "perfect" as I could get anyway!) Also, the Etude in A-flat Opus 25, No. 1 (also known as the "Aeolian Harp") by Chopin, was an excellent piece for increasing the reach of small hands, in which I was blessed.

after reading these comments, being a 51yr old procrastination expert myself, I have decided to take up a long time desire in me and become a student of guitar. I know this is about piano but the passion is the same! Thank you all !

Player #4494470
FreezingAcolyte89399, 5 fingered excersizes means something else in Europe. Stealing is called a five fingered discount

Player #25178592
FreezingAcolyte89399, I've always wanted to learn piano but at 62 never got around to it. I've just been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in every joint on every finger and in both wrists. Now I've got a reason not to procrastinate any longer, who knows, playing the piano could help keep flexibility in my fingers.

FreezingAcolyte89399, is never late to play or to try anything you want on this life! Time is a gift not a burden! Go ahead mate!

I liked to learn pianos

FreezingAcolyte89399, welcome to my world.

I need to play one day

I love who said good night all see y'all later or see you another time lol

Miss V
Known as the “5 finger discount”.

I'm sorry 😞

I could play rush e on piano

Jade MADISON Parker
That happen to me too☺️

Glamorous G
I want to play the piano one day. I'm hoping I can be as good as Alicia keys

I fondly remember my 5 finger exercises given by
Mrs Gesna Scott! Boy oh boy was she a taskmaster. She would WHACK my fingers so hard then tell me I better not tell! I DID! MY DAD WENT TO THE CLASS QND MADE MRS SCOTT HOLD OUT HER HAND. MY FATHER THEN TOOK OUT A RULER AND WHACKED HER HAND! I WAS SUSPENDED FOR A WEEK!

SEJA2, I’m a musician who plays piano. The 5 finger exercises are more effective than scales…

Good night all. See yall later or see you another time. lol

FreezingAcolyte89399, I’ve wanted to play the piano and learn Italian but there are apps on how to learn the piano.

I had lessons in Elementry school and I continue to love the piano music.

I teach piano and organ and had a beginner student at the age of 80! I have several older students. They enjoy it so much!

Leah Mae Joy
I'm not perfect

I love the Piano and the Violin and I’m going to be in the Orchestra when I go to College UMBC and UMCP

i forgot it was piano so yh if anyone can help me that be great

Brune9104, I can't play a piano and I'm pretty sure sure that I won't enjoy it a lot of people do not like it

FreezingAcolyte89399, don't give up

My husband plays the organ and has been after me to learn for more than 10 years. Procrastination. Finally started to take lessons and can't seem to get my right hand, left hand, and eyes to all work together in addition to having trouble hearing the beat. so sad.

Toots, my name is Miguel and you?

Not fair. Sax uses 5.

I like to learn piano but it kind of hard

i’m fi

i don"t know it about before

Player #130769784
FreezingAcolyte89399, never too old to learn. I'm 55 been teaching myself for 6 years

ten finger exercises are better. unless you play special songs written specifically for one hand.

It’s The Dragon, that’s a lot of instruments congrats

demo, there’s 80 piano keys