Can snakes eat themselves (self-cannibalize)?
Correct answer: Yes

Why are there any snakes in desert areas? It seems like they would've all eaten themselves by now.

Snake 🐍 is one of my favourite reptiles.
My Top 4 favourite snakes are Boa Constrictor, Green Anaconda, Indian Cobra and Prairie Rattlesnake.

Player #96919
UnopposedYogi27101, One inside out snake

dollis1963, its actually true they toleratw a certain temperature and anything above it can cause them to act erratically

flowercat0523, this never happens in the wild ..only in extreme cases where high temps are outside of the normal zone for that area..this happens way more in captivity with false heat

AshleyandMichael Wiggins, yuk

AshleyandMichael Wiggins
oh, wow!