Who was the first American televangelist to be convicted in federal court?
Correct answer: Jim Bakker

Gilbert Perez
Sounds just Olsteen...

tithing is to pay for "church" books, utilities, not for anyones own "fun"!!! If a church is not built on the Solid Word of God (Holy Bible) its all fake!!! One God= One Bible

Gilbert Perez, Olsteen shouldn't use the title of preacher. He's a motivational speaker at best with just a touch of scripture. certainly doesn't preach. ear tickler, false teacher who wears sheep's clothing

MundaneSeat, true. God lives in my heart and not in 4 walls in church. its better to feed a poor person than to give money to fake churches

Greeny Froggy
Way 2 Go Girl, No doubt there are unsavory things about all of us. We are human. Just because we(some of us )are christians doesnt mean we are perfect. We all will make mistakes. But we must try to live the best lives we can and ask for forgiveness for the wrong things we do. When we are lifted up during rapture our old bodies will fall away and we will become brand new in the Lord. Those of you who are perfect and sinless....cast the first stone.

Good riddance. Hope they catch more of them.

kicken A$$
Tried to become a member of a church until they asked to see my tax return so they could make sure I tithe properly. Whether I tithe properly or not, that is between me and God. Needless to say, I didn't attend that church again.

Tithing is tonsupport the efforts of a religion spread the word. This includes a reasonable or moderate salary for the minister to make a comfortable living, not a lavish living. Mr. Baker took advantage of the trust of his community. sad, aad sad.

Player #3236881
This question just brings back to memory his famous crying spell on national tv!

Modern Day Pimps of the Pulpit...T.D 🌽Flake$ & Joel"What$ in Your Wallet" Olsteen...

How come that a Man who Preaching Gods doing and Steele from his own people

Player #21374632, I believe God does not need money in heaven.

Giggle Pig
He did not display true Christian values.

Gilbert Perez, Yeah Hurricane Harvey showed his true colors.

You want to be famous, wealthy? get in the exciting world of

Eric the red
Why is it that Christians only speak of forgiveness when it's one of their own. If it's someone outside of their flock, they want vengeance. How Christ like.

Eric the red
Player #137542988,Joel Osteen is so Christ like that he wouldn't allow people to take cover in his church during a hurricane. That's Christian love.

Eric the red
SuiteShorty, Jim Baker is not Catholic.

Whistling Jake
ronnisimmons64, one god, one bible, over 1000 'Christian' churches that all believe they are the 'one and only true church'.

Sad to see this because it tarnishes all the others.

Cat Mom, Adultery and fleecing the flock. He said if he didn’t get 8 mill dollars in 3 months God would kill him.

Cat Mom, Tammy Faye has passed away. I'm not sure when but I saw an interview with her and her new husband and she was so eaten up by cancer I couldn't even recognize her. it was really sad.

Cat Mom
Tammy Faye was doing her own ministry last time I heard anything about her

Cat Mom
Law, what did Oral Roberts do again?

Cat Mom
FaithfulReader, I beg to differ, ANY place is a GOOD place to testify!

Cat Mom
Greeny Froggy, Amen!

BrooklynEwms32, Joyce Meyer, Creflo A Dollar should be ashamed

Pur3gem, True. God is everywhere

Player #119362175
Gilbert Perez, Agree...

All if these quotes from the Bible, "Love your neighbor as yourself ", "Firgiveness is within yourself ", etc., etc. ,etc. are not unique to Christianity. Most world religions (Judaism, Islam, Hindu, Buddhist) have the same philosophies just with different wording.

ronnisimmons64, I just could not let you stay at 69!

Jones, he was before getting to.

SuiteShorty, THE most corrupt,devious child predators ever. The list is sooooo long.

Player #130998363
"God is not the author of confusion but of peace,as in all the churches of the saints".

How’s this related to sports?

Gilbert Perez, I was thinking that also! There is nothing genuine about those creeps! All they care about is money, money and more money!

kicken A$$, I don’t blame you. I go to church—I’m a member, but I have NEVER heard of a church asking for someone’s tax return. I would be out of there faster than Dale Earnhardt was in NASCAR.

ronnisimmons64, also tithing should not be used as a tax write -off remember the Temple

Gilbert Perez, I certainly do agree with you.

ronnisimmons64, Absolutely agree!!! Plus, it should be voluntary according to ones financial ability. Not demanded or shamed into giving.