Who was Gabby Hayes?
Correct answer: An American actor

Let's not judge anyone based on age. I'm the most immature 57 year old in the world. People have different tastes in all things no matter our age. Generations bring change..that's the life cycle. Peace .Love everyone.

Hee hee, ALMOST picked Hardee's founder, but y'know, the picture...

Loved Gabby Hayes!

oldie but goodie

GrandmaTanya, Young whipper snapper and you betcha. ya were his favorite sayings.

That is Roy Rogers in the picture with him!

as much as I watched Roy Rodgers no way I could have missed this one, lol

Player #4734161
GrandmaTanya, I grew up watching Gabby Hayes!He was #1when it came to Cowboy Sidekicks!!

I guessed because of the picture it's too obvious

The picture helped! lol

Did not know this one but got lucky!

CuteLabrador88326, the old man in Blazing Saddles who kept talking even though no one understood him was a loving parody of Gabby Hayes

MellaBellaFranchella, ya think, lol. I wonder what gave it away! lol 😉

Vic, How funny you are... you are awesome.

Penny Plant, I can't tell my child to act his shoe size because the last 3 years has been the same. Age 12 shoe size 12 and so on. Now 15.

starvnartist, Good recognizing.

EvilEve9, yes,, i
am immature 76 but having fun playing video games and snacking on junk food,!whoopie..come on over!

He was a good side kick to Hopalong Cassidy and Gene Autry. how I enjoy watching them on my Roku tv. you betcha I do, you young whopper snapper🤭

Player #52887565
Ioved gabby hayes

Grew up with Gabby, Roy, Gene, Lash LaRue, Hoppy and all those early westerns.

Player #38265999
he was in the first thing I watched on TV. best sidekick ever

Player #35053364
Player #12323925, you can change the info/question genre by adjusting your profile.

Ruby, wow, i did too!

Player #4734161, Lol, I totally just guessed by the picture and got it right!🤣🤣🤣

MellaBellaFranchella, Hiya!!!

Stallisman, I wasn't aware of that tidbit. Thanks.

grandfather of Rosanne, Patricia and David Arquette

los lobos
'Yer durn tootin'

I wanted my widowed grandma to marry him I

Blind Arthur Blake
loved Gabby Hayes in the old Hopalong Cassidy movies

Mr.Shopping Cart
neverheard of the guy but it sounds like he had the money to go shopping
I know none of these but keep getting them right😄

Player #21374632
EvilEve9, lol,,I’m a big immature 74 year old,,still having fun and playing games all night,,

Player #19472386
Great character actor in many western movies.

killer karma
I just turned 21,and I still remember gabby Hayes when my dad and I would watch him in westerns I miss my dad he died last year Nov.1/2019

Player #16772228
harryman712, same here!

Player #15024846
Gabby Johnson from Blazing Saddles was based on his many Frontier Characters

lol founder of Hardee's

Player #1952
starvnartist, yep it is.

Player #12323925
Who wrote these questions? They’re all so old.