What aircraft is the B-57?
Correct answer: A twin jet engine tactical and reconnaissance bomber

although the last answer is the most thorough, the second answer (reconnaissance airplane) is technically also correct ...should swap it out with a different answer

BongoLongoFLA, "B" in the b-57 means bomber. F is for fighter

Player SQinfoNUTS
AMrT616, I had a brother who used to make models when he was a kid. That's one of the reasons why I remember this.

Player #8578357
I used to work on the B-57.

Pretty cool! My father-in-law flew the B-57 in Vietnam and up until they retired it.

Very good quality questions.

BongoLongoFLA, Bombbay doors give it away

Player woody2327
EbullientElf267, Aha! What about the F117? It wasn't a fighter. lol Just having fun, mate.

Player #5602826
good point. it seems poorly written.

Groovy Gus
BongoLongoFLA, I came close to saying 2 till I read the last answer

MCA , I think it would be a blast. Awesome creation.

EbullientElf267, P used to mean Pursuit.

Kahuna, that must have been a great experience. Not the war, but flying the B-57.

All of the aviation questions have been pretty good…the B-57 was kind of obscure.
Chuck Yeager flew one in Vietnam.

I had the chance to visit one at Pope Air Force base ,North Carolina, a fascinating, huge Airplane. I did not know how big it was until I actually got to see it up close.wow

Big Dummy , I'm from ND! 😁

my dad flew this and many others when he was a pilot in the Air Force. easy question

Michelle Hurd
EbullientElf267, 👍 thanks Captain obvious

Player #15685078
TrivialJournal9, that real cool

Big Dummy
TrivialJournal9, were you ever stationed in North Dakota?

EbullientElf267, Dont recall ever knowing that! Ty!!

Player #14502249
same thing as last one

I said 2. I'd like a re-count. lol

BongoLongoFLA, right

BongoLongoFLA, B is for bomber, F is for flight this B57

Zell. I am a female
yeah they don't use them in no more countries but ours because of that bad plane wreck in Entophia if I spelled it right

Mardell Riley
thanks Steve N.