Authentic Scottish haggis was banned in the US in 1971 because it contained what?
Correct answer: Sheep's lung

I mean, these and other odd foods from around the world which to us seem odd and gross have a story that we don't have an idea about. They probably exist now because of traditional likes but before were meant for survival. We certainly are spoiled and choose from the bank of food the world has to offer.

Player-On the loose
And yet, hotdogs are still legal. Wow!

Player #3996621
Player #3210279, I thought cow brain because of the out break of mad cow disease in great Britain several years ago , anyway I'll.take a pass on it.

Player #162237 Alexandra
Thank goodness. Sounds very unappetizing.

Sounds disgusting.

funny how USDA will ban an organic body part but allow as much sugar into our foods as they can to cause many other diseases

Player Turtle Rox
Diver Dan, I tried it too. When I am in other countries I love to try their food. That to me is part of the experience.

I've eaten this in Scotland & it's very good! Don't judge until you've tried it.

Still better than Chinese bat soup...slightly.

The Postman
Just watched Diners, Drive-ins and Dives. The cook made Haggis without lungs. I did not know any of this. Didn't know this info was going to be this handy. haha

And our diet is killing us.
It also does the same to every country that adopts it. Democracy is good. Diet is bad.

Johnel, Just because a "body part" is "organic " doesn't mean it is safe to eat. Sugar in itself doesn't cause diseases, it is the over consumption that causes health issues. I do agree that there is too much sugar, and its byproduct in our processed foods. Reading the labels is our first defense.

Nancy, putting the food on the plate

Heysus.., I agree, but when you know better then do better.

Player #137846770
How about GMO? That's super healthy,right?

have eaten calf liver..hog head cheese...pork lungs and brain..have even eaten German blood sausage...all taste ok..but if the FDA ban I will not try.

Nancy, Put on the plate.

timewaster6506, it sounds like it would be good when made and eaten the day of slaughter, but when it’s weeks after the slaughter the meat tastes like it’s been dead too long

Annie, what does "plated" mean?

Player #35387966
I am glad there's a ban on this aforementioned animal part. I was in Germany when the mad cow disease erupted and I'll never forget it. Sometimes these bans protect us from our desire to eat exotic foods.

Scott Smith
Extreme version of Scrapple

Player #35435475
Player #3996621, exactly what I was thinking! but when I was in Scotland, I still tried it. I actually quite enjoyed it!

timewaster6506, I too have tried it. it's Delish!!

Heysus.., So what?

Player #25913948
Johnel, it has to do with a disease that is harmful to animals, not humans, and if introduced into the US could harm American agriculture economically.

While in Scotland, I was obliged to try haggis; I could not. it smelled so revolting that I couldn't take a bite. that much said, I enjoyed quite a lot of other things like kippers for breakfast, Scotch broth, and the fabulous Scotch egg. best turnips ( rutabaga) that I've eaten and perhaps my best meal ever: perfectly browned on the outside in butter and still a bit raw on the inside scallops harvested just when we ordered them. The chef literally picked the scallops out of the sea, opened, put in butter, plated. Man, I still remember it. I liked Scotland quite a bit. I wish I had an Irn Bru right now.

Ran, You've got to be kidding! The CDC et. al. always test bats when plagues break out, and sometimes they're positive. They also carry rabies.

The Postman, I'm surprised someone hasn't tried marketing it without the lungs. I'd try it.

Oakland Booty
We have a granddaughter who lives in Scotland and when she came to the USA to visit when she was 12, she absolutely refused to eat crab. She looked at us as if we were freaks lol.

When you're already consuming the decaying flesh of another mammal, I can't imagine why you'd decide to draw the line here.

Player #26809905
timewaster6506, cant say it was an epicure i would relish but an experience...yes.

It Sounds Disgusting To Me I Wouldn't Try

I ate it once at a pub in Edinburgh. it was pretty good- like a dark black version of boudin

I had it at the Hard Rock Cafe in Edinburgh and it was excellent.

Player #Judy
lily 21, I’ve eaten Rocky Mountain oysters. Wouldn’t have known what kind of “meat” if you didn’t know! Fried crispy, they are tasty!